Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund: Nursing Bursaries

Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital Careers Jobs Vacancies Bursaries Funds

Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital is offering the Latest Nursing Bursaries for 2017 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Nursing Bursary Programme 2017 / 2017 is available for those candidates, who have obtained good marks previously and looking for the Scholarship / Bursary Schemes 2017-2017. The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Bursaries 2017 are available in JHB, and the interested candidates can avail Children’s Fund Vacancies.

It is pertinent to mention here that you may get Nursing Jobs or Nursing Careers after completing the Nursing Training Programme 2017 / 2018 available in Johannesburg, South Africa. You will find better Nursing Vacancies in Hospitals in South Africa, after getting the experience certificate.

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Contact Details have also been shared here, so that you could easily apply for the Nursing Bursary 2017/2018. The Nursing Bursaries 2017 / 2018 are rare in South Africa, so the deserving candidates can apply online for the Nelson Mandela Children Fund Bursary Programme 2017-2018 at the first convenient. The Online Bursaries 2017 / 2018 will manage your educational expenses, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. The Nelson Mandela Nursing Bursaries are available in the following categories.

  • • Pediatric nephrology
    • Pediatric cardiology
    • Neonatology
    • Critical care
    • Pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery
    • Pediatric radiology
    • Pediatric anesthesiology

Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Bursaries 2017 / 2018 in Johannesburg: Nursing Bursary 2017

Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust is offering bursaries for fellowships and training in certain Paediatric disciplines in 2017 (see below).

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital is a legacy project of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust (NMCHT). The Trust has built a new children’s hospital in Johannesburg that will open its doors in early 2017.

Th is 200-bed quaternary care facility will be a state-of-the-art specialist paediatric academic referral hospital providing child-centred best quality medical and surgical services to children of Southern Africa, irrespective of their social and economic status.

In anticipation of the opening of the hospital in 2017, and with funding support received from the National Skills Fund (NSF), the Trust has established a bursary scheme to support the skills development of doctors at fellowship level at South African universities.

It is against this background that the Trust is now offering bursaries to South African-registered medical practitioners wishing to specialise in subspecialties required by the Hospital in 2017 and beyond.

If you are currently wishing to further your career in one of the disciplines listed below, you are encouraged to apply. The fellowships will be for two or three years, depending on the discipline.

The disciplines that will be considered are:

• Paediatric nephrology
• Paediatric cardiology
• Neonatology
• Critical care
• Paediatric cardiothoracic surgery
• Paediatric radiology
• Paediatric anaesthesiology

You are requested to read carefully the Bursary Agreement document before completing the online application form (hard copies are also available on request) and, more specifically, to note that you may be required to work time equal to your period of studies at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, located in Johannesburg.

To assist with administrative efficiency, all bursary applications should ideally come through the hospital’s website. You may also request application forms from Shaun at 087 150 2101 during office hours. Preference will be given to South African citizens and applicants from all designated groups and, where possible, people with physical disabilities. Proof of professional registration must accompany the application. Qualifications and references will be subjected to third party scrutiny.

How To Apply for Nelson Mandela Children Fund Bursary / Scholarships 2017 / 2018

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other necessary requirements, then you can apply for the Nursing Bursary Schemes 2017. The interested candidates can Apply Online for the recently announced 2017 Bursaries in Johannesburg. You can also find the other required details at:

Please note that no further correspondence will take place until the Trust has determined which applicants have been shortlisted for interviews. The Trust reserves the right to NOT make any bursary awards. Bursary applicants who have been interviewed and to whom the Trust wishes to grant bursaries should note that they will also have to be accepted by the participating academic institutions. Successful applicants must be registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and will be required to carry their own Professional Indemnity Insurance.

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Careers will be available for you after having good experience in the nursing field. So the interested females should apply online for the Nelson Mandela Bursaries in Johannesburg.

62 thoughts on “Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund: Nursing Bursaries

  1. Noxolo
    I like to be one of those people who like to improve South Africa , more especially on this side of health , I like nursing with all my heart by I don’t have the information . I like to know how can I apply and when the application starts

    1. I like to be nursing but I don’t have many. Please can u help me .I have CARE giver certificate

  2. For now i’m work as a caregiver the problem is i wanr to be a nurse because of homeless i dont know what i must to do o deseve this bursary.

  3. My name is Gontse Tefo and im doing my last flight(matric) dream is to become a nurse and i need this bursary …Please help

  4. Dear Sir/Madam I am very much interested in Nursing Career…kindly send me a detailed information about registration..

    Kindest regards


  5. Mavis mathe
    hi, im a female of 41 years since i was a child, my dream was to be a nurse, but due to poverty i fail to study now that i found this advert i am willing to fullfill my dream can you please help me on how to register or apply for this learnership.

  6. I am interested on this learnership and i have a seniorcertificate and 1year certificate on auxilarynurse how can I apply And secondly I want to know that this learnership Are based on young teenagers or is for everyone

  7. Dear sir/madam my name is ikhutseng mocheko am study at mpilo royal college of health please help me with learnership,busary,nsfas i really need it,i wil be happy to make my dreams to be true ,my number is 0782920135.

  8. I like nd I need 2 be a nurse that’s my dream I am 34yrs I was a care giver @private hospital so I see myself 1day as a nurse thnks

  9. my name is refiloe phakamile makau i really want to study nursing plz send me an application form. thank u

  10. my name is sibongile dhlamimi. i am really want to study nursing may you please send the application form as i am really interested in working in this field of nursing.

  11. I was noi know when is the closing date of learnership,please forward theapplication forms I am really interested in working the field of nursing

  12. I did Ancillary in 2013 and worked in a private Hospital as a Care Worker for 1 year, I would really love to further my Nursing studies. May you please send me the Application form.

  13. I am one who is interested in studying to become a nurse. I am already in my thirties and don’t want to loose out on the opportunity to further my career in the field. Please send me an application to begin the process before my time may run out.

  14. I really love to be a nurse one day bt I struggle financial an II really tried raising funds BT I just can’t an have no experience BT I knw I can do it with your help of course an I knw that i care too much an I hard work extra hours will enjoy them be course I love this job I WS born to care for others an to help where I can.. Thank u

  15. Hi, can anyone help, i am interested to became a nurse, but i have been trying but i have been unsuccesful. Guys you wont believe that since 2011 but there has been no response frm each application i have sent and yet i have 30 points. Can any one advice me because i am starting to believe that maybe only the chosen few who are connected that get through. Kindly help. I am in PIETERMARITZBURG

  16. I almost forgot, please to anyone who has information about training opportunities to became a nurse please dont shy away with that kind of information. i need you help please
    my number 0721813606

  17. Dear sir/madam

    I need help I did my matric last year and I really love to do nursing please can you send me application details thanks

  18. Hi I’m Itumeleng, I’ve always wanted to do nursing..can you please assist me with
    the application forms Thank you

  19. Hi my name is samkelisiwe MHLONGO I’m interesting for nursing course so plz help me

  20. Hi my name is Neliswa am currently working as a care giver. I would like to continue with my nursing. Please help

    1. My name is Ayanda I’m working as a Care Giver I want to study for nursing I’m not sure if I qualify for nursing I do have grade 12 Certificate but I don’t have Maths do I qualify to study nursing if I do kindly email me the busary application .

  21. I don’t have maths and science but I like to study nursing with diploma and I am looking for space to study ,please I need help

  22. I have caregiver certificate and I wish to further my nursing course but I don’t have money to finish my course because of financial problems so please just offer me that opportunity

  23. I have caregiver certificate and I wish to further my nursing course but I don’t have money to finish my course because of financial problems so please just offer me that opportunity contact 0728102080

  24. Hi am Tebogo Mekeni i need funding for my nursing school fee I just finished my high school so am hoping that you will assist me my cell 0818003717

  25. I Dineo kgatla would love to request for your funding for my nursing school fees,i have matric result so I hope you wil assist me my no 0818173833

  26. I would like to be offered a nursing bursary to study next year 2019 please I need your help and thanks for your time

  27. Hi I am Sanelisiwe Kheswa I am a hard work so if I get these found I will be happy but I promise to work

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