City of Cape Town Learnerships 2017: Govt Vacancies

city of cape town vacancies jobs careers learnership programme

The City of Cape Town is offering the Latest Government Learnerships 2017 in various fields of study. The Govt Learnership Programme 2017 will boost your experience level in short period of time, and you will get more better Government Jobs or Government Careers in near future.

The City of Cape Town Learnerships 2017 are available for hard working candidates. If you are willing to get Technician Jobs in South Africa, you have come to the right place. Here you can avail the City of Cape Town Vacancies available for learners. It is also worth mentioning here you may get City of Cape Town Jobs after completing the Learnership Training Programme 2017. The City of Cape Town Careers usually remain available / vacant in South Africa, and you may avail these Govt Job Opportunities after having some valuable experience. If you are interested in Learning Programme, you should have a look on the details of programme before forwarding your job application form to the recruitment dept.

City of Cape Town Learnership Programme 2017: Govt Jobs

The City of Cape Town’s Electricity Services Department has one-year contractual opportunities for learner technicians, who would hold a Diploma or still require in-service training to obtain their S4 diploma, in the following disciplines:

  • Protection (MV field services; protection field services)
  • Measurement (automation; operations; and investigations)
  • Engineering (Planning and design of medium voltage and low voltage distribution systems, project management; customer connections)
  • Long term planning (high voltage network analysis and forecasting of future load growth for the Cape Metro and new bulk load investigations.)
  • SCADA (power systems supervision remote control and data acquisition via communications)
  • GIS (Geo-Information Science)
  • Network control (compile switching programmes; updating relevant network control documents;conducting load flow studies; compile reports)
  • Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) (Maintenance management; system and maintenance performance auditing; establishing standards for the maintenance of the electricity distribution system; service standards).


  • Protection / Engineering / Long Term Planning / Network Control / SCADA / EAM: Successfully completed S4 course in the related field or in-service training still outstanding
  • GIS (Geo-Information System): Successfully completed S4 course in Geo-Information Science and Technology or in-service training still outstanding
  • Measurement: Successfully completed S4 or N Diploma (NATED) course in the related field or in-service training still outstanding.

For all of the above candidates must:

  • Be in possession of at least a valid code B driver’s licence
  • Reside in the Cape Metropole

Closing Date: 16 December 2016

How to Apply for City of Cape Town Learnership 2017: Government Vacancies in South Africa

To apply for one of these positions, please submit:

  • Covering letter indicating your field of preference and at least one alternate eg. 1. SCADA, 2. Measurement, etc.
  • Certified copy your diploma or certified copy of statement of results indicating that all academic conditions have been met, to be awarded the diploma while in-service training is still outstanding
  • Certified copy of ID
  • CV
  • Certified copy of driver’s licence.

Forward your application via e-mail to:

Note: If you have not received a response within four (4) weeks after the closing date of the applications, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Apply Online for the recently announced City of Cape Town Learnerships for 2017.

9 thoughts on “City of Cape Town Learnerships 2017: Govt Vacancies

  1. I am looking for any internships or learnerships and I have a matric certificate, my subjects are history, agriculture, maths literacy

  2. I am looking for any leanership but i don’n passed grade 12 my subject is mathematics, physical science,life scienc, giography,english,life orientation and xhosa

  3. I am looking for a learnership. I’ve passed my matric and my subjects is accountancy, mathematics, business studies and computer application technology.

  4. Am looking for learnership,I didn’t pass my matrix,but am still busy with,my subjects are Geography, life science,History ,math and English,and I also have computer certificate

  5. There are still opportunity to apply for the leadership if there are plz am interested to it plz contact me via email below.

  6. I am interested to get any learnership to continue building up my career.I have grade 12 ,driver’s licence, CDE security grades and psira.

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