The Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) Project for Matriculants

western cape government careers internships youth training jobs

The Western Cape Government and Department of The Premier is offering the Advancement of Youth Programme 2017 for Matriculants in South Africa. The PAY Project 2017 will make your experience better in the specific field. Various Youth Development Programmes for 2017 have been announced by various companies, but you should prefer the Government Internships 2017, as they will boost your experience level in short span of time.

The Western Cape Government Internships 2017 are now available for Matriculants in South Africa. If you are willing to get experience while working at the Government Institute or Dept, you should join the PAY Project for Matriculants. The Premier’s Advancement of Youth Project is available for unemployed matriculants, where they will become veteran in their field. It is a 1 year Internship Programme available at Western Cape Government. So the interested persons should join the PAY Project 2017 after having a look on the details as appended below.

The Premier’s Advancement of Youth Project 2017: PAY for Matriculants

Would you like to gain work experience in the public service? Then look no further than the Western Cape Government! Apply for the Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) programme and we can make gaining work experience in the Public Service Better Together.

The PAY project will provide matriculants from the class of 2016 with work experience and training in one of the 13 Western Cape Government Departments beginning 1 April 2017 until 31 March 2018. During this time you will receive a monthly stipend to cover your expenses.


  • You have written the National Senior Certificate (NSC) in 2016, and only applicants who passed the final examinations will be considered;
  • You are not going to study further in 2017;
  • You are a South African citizen, residing in the Western Cape Province;
  • You are between the ages of 18 and 24;
  • You are not sure of the next step after school;
  • You have no network or support to help you make career choices;
  • You are financially constrained

On-the-job training will be provided in the following departments:

  • Department of the Premier;
  • Department of Agriculture;
  • Department of Community Safety;
  • Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport;
  • Department of Economic Development and Tourism;
  • Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning;
  • Department of Health;
  • Department of Human Settlements;
  • Department of Local Government;
  • Department of Social Development;
  • Department of Transport and Public Works;
  • Provincial Treasury;
  • Western Cape Education Department (WCED).

Why should you apply?

  • You will acquire skills and work experience that will make you more marketable to future employers.
  • You get contactable references on your CV.
  • You will have career awareness exposure to assist you to make informed career choices together with a network to support and guide you.

Closing Date: 20 January 2017

How to Apply for Advancement Of Youth (PAY Project) 2017 at Western Cape Government

Applicants who do not have access to computers are encouraged to make use of the following internet facilities to complete the online application:

  • Your local library;
  • Your local Thusong Service Centre;
  • The Khanya laboratory at your local government/public school;
  • E-Community Forums and e-Centres in rural towns;
  • The Western Cape Government Walk-in Contact Centre;
  • An internet café.

The Youth Development Programme 2017 is available at the Dept of Premier (Western Cape Government), where you will be able to optimize your experience and skills in the relevant field. If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements as detailed above, you should Click here to apply online for the Latest Youth Development Project 2017 (PAY) in South Africa. You should keep in mind the closing date, and go for the application process at the earliest possible time. The Youth Development 2017 will kick start your career and make you able to get better jobs in future.

13 thoughts on “The Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) Project for Matriculants

  1. I’m a 44 year old widow of 2. I have a grade 10 certificate. I have work experience in the metal work field. I have dine reception work and my last job before I was retrenched was as a machine operator as a distillers. I am desperately looking for work but to no avail. Can someone pls help me keep a roof over my kids heads please

  2. I cant apply the webpage doesnt want to open can you please help me out or send me a link where i cpuld mail my cv too please

  3. This above post of the premiers advancement of youth(PAY) project 2017 sounds amazing, really wish for such an opportunity on my age of 24 as I finished my studies last year in Office administration but still don’t feel it’s for me. So consider me!

  4. please I’m Thembelihle Nkosi I need help with a learnership ,I’ve completed my matrix on 2015 but still staying at home doing nothing ,my mother can’t afford to take me to school as she is sick and can’t able to work, please I real me this to change my background ,call me on 0768715673

  5. I’m Sibulelo Joni I have financial Management N6 I would love to get a learnership in order to get my deploma for insever training for 18 months. Please contact me at this number 0764559139.

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