Disaster Risk Management Scholarship / Bursaries 2017 at NDMC

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The National Disaster Risk Management Center is offering the Disaster Risk Management Scholarships 2017 in South Africa. If you are looking for NDMC Bursary Programme 2017 or NDMC Scholarships 2017-2018, you have come to the right place, as the company has announced the Bursary Scheme 2017. If you are looking for Government Scholarships or Government Bursaries for 2017, you have come to the right place.

The NDMC Bursaries for 2017 are available for hard working and talented students, so they should not miss the NDMC Scholarships 2017 / 2018. The National Disaster Management Center Careers usually remain available / vacant in SA, and you may also avail the NDMC Jobs after having some valuable experience. The Disaster Risk Management Bursary Programme 2017 should be availed by interested candidates after going through the details as appended below. You should forward your Bursary Application Form at first convenient to avail these Bursaries or Scholarship Opportunities in South Africa.

National Disaster Risk Management Center Offers Latest Scholarships / Bursaries for 2017

The national disaster management center hereby invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the external bursary programme for the 2017 academic year. The NDMC bursary seeks to  fund selected students enrolled for qualifications in disaster risk science and management.


  • Preference will be given to disaadvantaged idividuals, and proof thereof must be provided
  • Applicants must have obtained adminission at a South African, public institution of higher learning of their choice
  • Applicants wo intend to study disaster risk science and management ata  public institution of higher learning from which admission is obtained
  • Students who are financially needy and academically deserving


Applicants should submit the following documents with the application forms:

  • Brief CV
  • Motivation letter
  • A National Senior Certificate, having passed all subjects with 60% and above
  • Students already at institution of higher learning should have obtained an average of 60% and above in all major subjects and must attach the 2016 academic year results.
  • Proof of enrollment or acceptance from recognized institution of higher learning.
  • Certified copy of a valid South African Identity document.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Proof of income for parents / guardians in the cases where the student does not have one or both parents.

Closing Date: 06 March 2017

How To Apply for Disaster Risk Management Scholarship Programme / Bursaries 2017 in SA

Application forms are available from the website address: www.ndmc.gov.za and provincial disaster management centres. Successful students are expected to enter in to a contractual agreement with the NDMC. The agreement contains all general provisions related to the bursary. The NDMC reserves the right to determine the total number of bursary allocations for the academic year.

Applications must be Submitted to: The Senior Manager Disaster Risk Management, Education, Training Awareness and Research, Private Bag X 804, Pretoria

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the Disaster Risk Management Science Scholarships 2017 / Bursaries in order to carry on your studies with more ease and reliability. The NDMC Bursaries and Scholarships 2017 are available in South Africa, and the South African students can avail these opportunities.

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