Harmony Gold Bursary Programme 2018: Application Form

Harmony Bursaries available in South Africa

The Harmony Gold is offering the Bursary Programme 2018 in South Africa. The Harmony Bursaries 2018 are available in various fields including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Extractive Metallurgy, Survey and Geology. The Harmony Gold Bursaries 2018 are available for those students, who are looking for the Engineering Bursaries 2018 in South Africa.

The Harmony Gold Bursary 2018 will make you able to study with more ease and reliability, so you should forward the Harmony Bursary Application Form at the first convenient. The Harmony Bursary 2018 is available for engineers, so they should not miss the Bursary Scheme 2018 in order to avail the financial assistance during education. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of Harmony Bursary Programme 2018 before forwarding their bursary application form to the concerned department.

Harmony Gold Bursaries 2018: Engineering Bursary Programme 2018 in South Africa

Harmony Gold Mining is looking to award bursaries to top-performing students in their 2nd or 3rd year of studies in various disciplines. Due to the nature of our business, priority will be given to students studying mining related core disciplines i.e. Mining Engineering, Engineering (Mechanical & Electrical – Heavy current), Extractive Metallurgy, Survey and Geology but not limited to the above disciplines.

The objective of the Harmony Gold Bursary Scheme is to recruit and select bursars preferably from communities surrounding our operations for full time study at accredited Tertiary Institutions. The Bursary Scheme accommodates students entering or already at Tertiary Institutions.

The scheme covers tuition and residence fees, the cost of prescribed text books and also provides a personal allowance. The scheme is designed to contribute to the development of historically disadvantaged South Africans.

Harmony Gold was incorporated 62 years ago and is one of the largest gold mining companies in the world and the third largest gold producer in South Africa. Harmony is a multi-listed company and its primary listing is on the JSE Limited (ticker: HAR). Harmony operates mines in South Africa and Papua New Guinea.


  • A valid South African Identity Document (SA Citizen)
  • A National Senior Certificate, having passed all subjects with 60% and above
  • Students planning to study in the Engineering field, the minimum requirements for Mathematics & Physical Science is 70% and above
  • Students already at Tertiary Institutions, should have obtained average of 60% and above in all major subjects. Current year results, should be attached
  • Brief Curriculum Vitae

Applicants applying for bursaries with less than an achievement level of 6 in Mathematics and Science will not be considered for Engineering. Mathematics Literacy will not be accepted for Core Disciplines.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for admission to the institution of your choice and receive confirmation of acceptance before a bursary can be awarded. We recommend that you apply to at least more than one Tertiary Institution.

Successful students will be subjected to assessments and interviews. Submission of applications must include a fully completed form, a certified copy of your ID, a certified copy of your National Senior Certificate and statement of Symbols (showing results) and/or Tertiary results and a brief Curriculum Vitae. Should you qualify for a preliminary interview, it will take place at Harmony Gold’s Randfontein Offices situated in the Gauteng Province or Welkom Offices in the Free State Province.

For any enquiries contact the Bursary & Study Assistance Administrator Evelyn Moalosi @ email: evelyn.moalosi@harmony.co.za.

How to Apply For Harmony Gold Bursary Programme 2018: Engineering Bursary

Closing date is 31 July 2017. To apply for a bursary for the 2018 academic year, please Click Here to apply online or ask for application forms at the Municipality nearest to you.

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for the recently announced Harmony Bursary Programme 2018. The Bursary is available for students in engineering fields, so they should not miss the bursary award.

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