Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries 2018


The Potato Industry Development Trust is offering the Latest Bursaries 2018 in South Africa. The Agriculture Science Bursary Programme 2018 is available for those candidates who are studying agriculture. The Potato Industry Jobs usually remain available / vacant in South Africa, and you may also avail the Potato Industry Careers after having some good experience and valuable skills in the agriculture field.

The Potato Industry Development Trust Bursaries for 2018 will be helpful for you in managing your educational finance, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. The PIDT Bursaries 2018 should be availed by those candidates who are looking for educational finance or any other student loan. The PIDT Bursary Scheme 2018 or Agriculture Science Bursaries 2018 are available for hard working and talented students, so you should have a look on the details of Bursary Awards before forwarding your bursary application form to the concerned department.

Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT) Bursary 2018: Agricultural Bursaries in SA

The Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT) invites applications from students who wish to pursue their post graduate studies in the field of Agriculture. The Trust, through Potatoes South Africa, provides bursaries to diploma, undergraduate and post graduate students studying agriculture at a tertiary institution in South Africa.

The primary goals for providing these post graduate bursaries are as follows:

  • To make a contribution towards ensuring that well qualified scientists are developed to address the research needs of the potato industry.
  • To increase the potato industry’s pool of knowledge.

Who can Apply?

  • Honours, Masters and PhD students in the field of agriculture – potatoes. (Masters and PhD students to submit a potato related research proposal.)
  • Must have excellent academic standing.
  • South African citizens.
  • Proof of registration at an appropriate South African university

Conditions of the bursary

After completion of the studies the student must work for a potato industry related company, organisation or institution in the Republic of South Africa as approved by the Potato Industry Development Trust equivalent to the period of the bursary.


All students are given the opportunities to get to know the potato industry through an annual induction programme that takes place in April. The program includes visits to a fresh produce market, a potato farm, a processing plant and research facilities. Diploma and undergraduate students will be given the opportunity to enhance their skills through an internship (for disciplines requiring practical training and exposure as part of their qualification condition) and a workplace experience program to enhance their employment opportunities.

How to Apply for Potato Industry Bursaries for 2018: PIDT Bursary Programme in SA

Applications from students who have an interest in pursuing a research in a potato related field will receive priority. Students with a good academic standing and who wish to further their studies can request an application form from transformation@potatoes.co.za or may download the application form (Download here). The closing date for applications is 31 October 2017 and students who have not been contacted by the 31st of January 2018 must regard their application as being unsuccessful.

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements as mentioned above, you should apply online for the Available Bursaries in South Africa.

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