Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls Bursary 2018

oprah winfrey academy for girls training programme 2016

The Oprah Winfrey School / Leadership Academy for Girls is offering the Latest Bursaries 2018 for Girls in South Africa. The Bursary Programme 2018 will manage your educational expenses, and you will become able to study with more ease. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls Bursary 2018 is available for hard working and talented candidates, so you should avail the Bursaries for Girls in South Africa. The Girls Training Programme 2018-2019 will lead you towards the better Job Opportunities in near future.

Oprah Academy Bursaries 2018-2019 are available for Girls, so the females in South Africa should avail these opportunities at the first convenient. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls Programme 2018 has also been announced previously, and now the company is offering the Bursary Schemes 2018. The interested candidates should avail these opportunities to boost their experience level as well as to get more better Jobs in near future. So have a look on the details below and forward your application form at the earliest.

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls Bursary Application Forms for 2018

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa is a residential boarding school with 300 students enrolled in Grades 8 -12. It provides students with an opportunity to develop their full intellectual, social and leadership potential.  The Academy teaches the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) in Grades 8 – 10. The Grade 12 students write the Independent Examination Board (I.E.B.) NSC Examination.

To be eligible, girls must be South African, demonstrate academic and leadership potential, and come from a disadvantaged background.

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa admits students of any race, colour, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programmes and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programmes, athletic, cultural, residential and other school- administered programmes.

Application Criteria

Students must meet the following:

  • Academic talent with leadership potential
  • South African Citizen or permanent residency
  • Total family household income of less than R10,000 per month
  • Currently in Grade 7

Selected applicants will be invited to write entrance tests, which will be held at a number of different venues throughout South Africa. Further selection and more extensive testing of academic and leadership potential will follow this first round. Final selection camps lasting 2 or 3 days will be held at the Academy later in the year.

Closing Date: 16 February 2018

How To Apply for Oprah Winfrey School for Girls Bursary 2018 in South Africa:

To apply, Click Here to download the application form:

To apply, complete the application form, enclose a copy of your December 2017 school report, copy of household income and a copy of your birth certificate and post them to:

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls
PO Box 1485,
Henley on Klip,

Or Email to: student.recruitment@owlag.co.za

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should apply online for Oprah Winfrey School for Girls Bursaries 2018. The Oprah Academy Bursaries will pay for your educational expenses, and you will not have to join your efforts for student financing or student loaning.

20 thoughts on “Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls Bursary 2018

  1. Hi my daughter is currently in grade 7 in a public school, she produces very good results , she is a prefect and in the child welfare club, she is outspoken and also a very good althlete in sports, we come from a low income area in Chatsworth Durban, I am a stay at home mom, my husband is not working due to medical illness,is there still time for me to aply for my dauhgter.

  2. Goo day Oprah
    Let me take the opportunity that, if you get to read this message, I would like you to know that I have admired you, and as a divorced woman with two children, you have been my inspiration to me and gave me the energy to wake up every day and work hard to support my children. I have a little five year old and always told myself that I would apply for my little girl to attend your girls school one day, God will. I was sad to find the qualifying criteria for applications. My income per month before deductions is about R13500. Once my bond payment for my house, insurances, debt, school fees and so on have been deducted from my salary, what is left is hardly enough to live through out the month. In mentioning all of the above, I would kindly like to request that you consider raising the qualifying criteria for applications, bursaries included as I already know that it is going to be very difficult to get NISVAS from our goverment when my girly finish secondary school and want to go study further one day, God willing.
    Just like myself there are so many single parents giving their girls a stable life but the everyday struggles are a reality.
    I hope with all my heart this message reach you in person.
    PS. I miss seeing you on TV here in SA. Come to Cape town and have a live show here….it would be amazing!!!!!! 🙂

    God riches blessing to you and may you continue to change everything you touch to gold like you have done your entire life.

  3. Hello,Oprah.my neighbour is a very good and multi talented kid.she is good at everything she does,she has passion and she is enthusiastic. She is now at grade 8 and she wants to get to your school.well she has both parents but they are struggling from a poor village. Her contact numbers are 0761586993. I want to tell you this year she will be turning 13.what can her parents do so that she could come to your school?

  4. Hi Oprah, my daughter is in grade 7 this year, and I am interested in your school because my salary is very little, she is in Voorpos Primary school in East London, Eastern Cape. please help I’m struggling my husband is not working, I work for Attorneys who pays me a salary that is very small to take care of my 2 kids, But God is helping me because she’s in good school here in East London, she’s a brilliant girl, active in sport, netball, swimming and athletic and also she’s a Christian. Please accept her. God Bless you.

  5. Good day…..oprah my sister is a very clever girl…his school work is perfect …..his english is fluently and she is still very young…..she is doing grade4 now…..all i wanted to know is….she still have both parents but unemployed. . …… when she is doing grade 7 i want her to come and write the test…..because i v once been there writing test but coudnt make it…all i need is what should i do for her to come there

  6. hey Oprah my daughter is in grade 8 at HOER TEGNISIE Skool she is a very hard working girl iam a single parent earning a very little salary she is so interested in your school .I pray may our Almighty help me my daughter be accepted in this best academy my cell number is 082 8666 129

  7. Hello Oprah. I’m writing this E-Mail on behalf of Rearabetswi Moerane, a 14 year old girl from Qhoboshiyaneng location in Matatiele in the Eastern cape South Africa. She is a child who was born with congenital heart diseases and after a series of cardiac operations she is well and healthy and loves playing netball. she is currently doing grade 7 in the local rural based school and would love to study at your school “Oprah Winfrey Girls leadership academy’ but she has been struggling to get to the right person and get access to the application form as they do not have access to the internet. She heard from a radio station about the school but she has been struggling to get hold of the application form and she is still trying. Her dream is to be a top young black business women by the age of 25. Her parents are not working and they leave from her and his sibling’s social grant. please help me to see her pursuing her dream.

  8. Hi Oprah I have a friend who is a single mother her daughter is in grade 8 this year she is a hard worker she is very good the thing is that she can not take care of her especially when it come to her going to school and from she is struggling the child has to wake up very early and comes back home late they stay at inanda township it hard for a child yet the child still get good marks at school what one can do for the child to get a place at your school I really feel for her nw since winter is around the coner is will b worse the child is an A student my friend is Olga Makhanya cell 0786132332 my is 0815823704 please can you help out

  9. Dear Oprah. I have a learner in my class that would like to apply but I am struggling to download the application form for next year. I am aware of the closing dates and would therefore appreciate it if you can advise me as soon as possible as the email address is also out of order.

      1. Hi I want to apply in Oprah because this schhkl is leadership school my mother is not working only my father is working but we also struggle in our education and my she receive grant money I want to ask if the is a space for grade 9 for 2018

  10. Good Day Oprah I would like to know whether you would take my daughter but she is currently in grade 8 year 2018 because I am no longer working and her father is not working to and I do not have enough money to send to a better school so would you please help me out

  11. I’ve applied and I hope that you’ll take me and I’ll ask my teacher to call and tell you how good I am I’m in grade 8 at hoer school tegnies in potchefstroom as Im applying for next year grade 9 I pray you’ll take me and change SA into a best place ever

  12. Hey Oprah Winfrey I would like to apply for a scholarship in your school I am currently in grade 9 in Zuurbekom Intermediate school..I would at least like to be interviewed for grade 10

  13. Dear sir/madam.

    I have a smart and very interlligent young girl who turns 14 years later this year and she is currently in grade 8 in a public school. She is interested in joining oprah wimfrey leadership academy for girls. She is discipline and active sport. She is doing karate. She is A student and a prefect in class. I am unemployed and we live through her social grant, nobody is working in the family. Please consider this application. My email jushua.mokoena11@gmail.com

    Thank you in advance.

    J. Mokoena.

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