National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS): 2019

The National Department of Education is offering the National Student Financial Aid Scheme 2019 in South Africa. The NSFAS 2019 will be helpful for those students, who are looking for the Student Loan, Bursaries, and other Student Financing Schemes for 2019. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme 2019 will pay for your educational expenses, and you will become able to study with more ease and reliability. If you are looking for Student Loan or Educational Loan, then you have come to the right place as the NSFAS Loan 2019 is available for the students in SA. NSFAS Jobs and Careers usually remain available / vacant, and you may also avail the NSFAS Vacancies after having some good experience in professional field.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme Application Form are also available over the web, where from you can easily apply online for NSFAS 2019. The NSFAS Act 56 of 99 is funded by the National Department of Education (NDE), so you should avial these NSFAS Bursaries 2019. Various Bursaries and Scholarships for 2019 have been announced by various departments, but you should prefer the NSFAS Bursary Programme 2019. The NSFAS Bursary Scheme 2019 will make you able to study with more concentration, so you should not miss the opportunities.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS): 2019 Student Financing Programme in South Africa

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has opened applications for 2019.  Before applying you should have decided which course you want to study and at which public university/TVET college. You will need to select these choices in the application form. Applications close on 30 November 2018.

What is NSFAS and what do they offer?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a loan and bursary scheme operating in terms of Act 56 of 99 and funded by the National Department of Education. They offer:

  • The means to obtain a tertiary qualification
  • Loans at low interest rates
  • Loans without guarantees
  • A reasonable repayment plan.

What is a NSFAS loan?

The money you borrow to cover all the costs associated with your tertiary studies and this money has to be repaid.

You qualify for a NSFAS loan if you are:

  • Registered at a South African university or university of technology
  • An undergraduate, studying for a first higher educational qualification, or
  • Studying for a second higher education qualification, if this is necessary to practise in your chosen profession (e.g. LLB or HDE)
  • Able to demonstrate potential for academic success
  • In need of financial assistance.

You must not apply if:

  • You have already applied and have an application reference number
  • You are not intending to apply for admission to a public university or TVET college
  • You already have NSFAS funding for 2018
  • You are not a South African citizen

To apply on the NSFAS website, you will be required to register first to create your personal online account, and then proceed to fill and submit the application form online.Make sure that you have certified and valid copies of the following documents: :

  • Your South African identity document/card or, an unabridged birth certificate
  • IDs of parents and/or guardian (or death certificate where applicable)
  • IDs of each person living with you in your home
  • Pay advice/letter of employment/pension advice (not older than three months)
  • Please download the consent form and fill it in with your parent/gaurdian’s signatures. Applications without a consent form that is signed by all people whose incomes have been declared in the application will not be accepted, and will be considered as incomplete.
  • If you have a disability, please download the Disability Annexure A and fill it in

Closing Date: 30 November 2018

How to Apply for National Student Financial Aid 2018 Scheme (NSFAS): Student Loan

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the recently announced NSFAS Loan. Application Forms are available over their official site, so you should forward your student loan application at the first convenient to avail the education loan for your studies.

2 thoughts on “National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS): 2019”

  1. I did my grade 12 last year 2015. Earl this year I was doing mechanical engineering so I didn’t finished and I still want to go back to collage. What I need is learnership, internship, or sponsor. I have 24% in maths and 26 in physical science others I passed


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