The South32 Careers and Jobs have been announced at Hotazel Manganese Mines in Northern Cape, South Africa. The Maintenance Learnerships…
Maintenance Learnerships

Maintenance Learnerships 2017 at South32
South32 is offering the Maintenance Learnership Programme 2017 in South Africa. The Technical Maintenance Learnerships 2017 have been announced for…

Maintenance Learnership Programme at SAB Miller
The SAB Miller is offering the Latest Maintenance Learnership Programme 2015 in South Africa. The SAB Miller Learnerships 2015 are…

Maintenance Learnership Opportunity at BHP Billiton
The BHP Billiton is offering the Latest Maintenance Learnership Opporutnity at Khutala Colliery in Witbank, Mpumalanga, South Africa. BHP Billiton…

BHP Billiton Learnerships: Maintenance Learnership
BHP Billiton Energy Coal South Africa is offering the Latest Maintenance learnerships 2014 in Coal Processing, Middelburg Colliery and Wolvekrans.…