16 503 Government Learnerships and Training Jobs

Government Jobs and Learnerships in South AFrica

16 503 Government Learnerships 2014 and Training Jobs for 2014 are available in Government Sector of South Africa. The Department of Highe Education has announced the latest latest government learnerships and training jobs 2014 in collaboration with SETA.

16 503 Job Opportunities in Government Sector including Learnerships and Training Jobs 2014 can boost your experience level and expertise in short span of time. You can also get this Government Training Programme or Learnership Job if you comply with the eligibility criteria and other requirements. The latest SETA Learnerships 2014 are available for those candidates, who are willing hard to work in government department of South Africa.

According to the document published in newspaper, 16,53 Learnership Opportunities have been announced in Government Sector in year 2014-2015. You should check the copy of relevant newspaper for more details about the Government Learnership Programmes. Whereas the advert of Government Learnerships in South Africa is concerned, we shall keep you update with the latest happening in the world of job opportunities and careers.

The Following 2014 Learnerships in Government Sector may be available soon. If you want to have a look on the up coming Government Sector Learnership Programme 2014 in South Africa, you can Download List for the latest training programmes and learnership opportunities.

If you are looking for experience in various fields of interests, you should join the recently opened learnership programmes in Government Sector to get relevant experience that will be helpful in your career and future. It is expected that after completing the Government Training Programme 2014 and Learnerships, you may get better job opportunities from various other companies working in South Africa. So you should have a look on the daily newspapers for the advertisement that is going to be published soon.

57 thoughts on “16 503 Government Learnerships and Training Jobs

  1. How can one apply for a government learnership programme? I’m very interested but it’s kinda difficult to apply, please help!

  2. hi, i want to apply for a government learnership, but finding very difficult to do, can i get some help

  3. Hi,I want to apply for government learnership.Please email me the learnership that are available now so that,I can apply.

  4. I’m finding it very difficult to apply please send me an email and give me the correct instruction that I should follow thank you

  5. l was doing surverying Eng. at DUT and l am done now looking for a job please send me leanerships which are related to that…

    thank you

  6. Do we need to choose from the learnership given above and e-mail our cv to apply or is it necessary to call and enquire first about the learnership you want to apply for.

  7. I’m looking for an alternative learnership to improve my skills and knowledge.call on the above email thank you

  8. Hi
    How can I apply those post or learnership, I’m really interested to plays my roles there, but I don’t get good easy way to go further or applying.

    With amny thanks

  9. i interested in governmet learnerships but i dont know where to find those application forms please respond me on my email

  10. I’llthank a lot if u can send me list of leanerships or give a hint of how to apply for leanership

  11. I really cant afford to miss this opportunity,,but there is no were can apply online please help us with that applications.

  12. Please send me all the available learnerships as I can not access them online and I want to apply for them.

  13. Please assist us as many of us youth of south africa are unemployed we kindly need help with applying for learnership.

  14. I am interested in learnerships but I struggle to get the Z83 forms and also finding out about the available opportunities.

  15. sir/madam i need help i m only have matric certificate with subject of commerce if anyone one can help me with government jobs or learneship by using thanks.

  16. I hve just wrote my final exams in educare N6.can U pls help me with intership to cover my needed hours to graduate.. Please help

  17. I want to apply for government learnerships,I have grade 12 with accounting at level 6 my please assist

  18. I’m louis ngcobo 23 years I live in midrand I have a diploma in business administration specialized in accounting and information system if anyone can help me with government internship or any jobs please contact me to 0739481972

  19. sir/madam

    my name is Mathapelo Makatu am disable and 43years of age

    please tell me what is going to happen to me if every time you asking about the of 18/35 and matrix i don’t have doe’s things but i know i can learn

    but if you give me a chance i can do better than those who are 18/35 i am living in Free State Phuthaditjhaba my cell number is 0732950191

    Thank you

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