Traffic Warden Learnership Jobs at Dept of Community Safety & Transport Management

Traffic Warden Careers Jobs Vacancies in South Africa

The Latest Traffic Warden Learnership Jobs 2015 are available at Department of Community Safety & Transport Management, South Africa. The Traffic Warden Jobs are not rare now in South Africa, as the Government Company is offering the Latest Traffic Warden Learnerships 2015. Now you can become Traffic Warden or Traffic Officer by going through the complete training programme 2015 at Dept of Community Safety and Transport Management in South Africa. The Government Learnerships 2015 are rare in South Africa, and if you are looking for the Government Learnership Programme 2015, then you have a best chance to apply for Traffic Warden Learning Programme.

Traffic Warden Careers were rare in South Africa, but now the company has announced the Traffic Warden Learnership 2014-2015 again to boost the knowledge, expertise and experience of candidates who are willing to become Traffic Wardens in South Africa. It is pertinent to mention that, you may also avail the Traffic Warden Vacancies after successfully completing the Learnership Programme 2015. You should have a look on the details of learnership programme 2014-15 before submitting your application at the recruitment department of the government company.

Traffic Warden Learnership Programme 2014-2015 at Dept of Community Safety & Transport South Africa

The Department of Community Safety and Transport Management invites learners to apply for its Traffic Warden Learnership Programme (2014/15). This is a 12-month long progamme based in the North West Province. Successful candidates will receive a salary of R3, 108.60 per month

The reference numbers for this Learnership Programme are as follows:

  • Mahikeng (Ref.02/2014)
  • Potchefstroom Weighbridge • Bapong Weighbridge • Ventersdorp Weighbridge (Ref.03/2014)


  • A Grade 12 (Matric Certificate)
  • An NCV L4 Certificate
  • A South African Identity Document
  • Must be between the ages of 18-35 years
  • A valid Code B driver’s licence
  • A Certificate of No Criminal Records (SAP69i Clearance Certificate)
  • Recent Medical Report Certificate that proves that the applicant can do strenuous exercise.

NB: Learners who have previously been in a Learnership programme in the Public Service will not be considered.


The successful candidate will work under supervision of the Qualified Traffic Officer in performing duties listed as follows:

  • Perform activities/tasks associated with maintaining law, order, safety and security through the application of the laid down policing and protection procedures
  • Attend to processes aimed at ensuring compliance with laws, by-laws and regulations in order to ensure any action or bottlenecks caused through accidents, breakdown or peak hour congestion are resolved
  • Patrol and observe the streets and suburban areas and identify non-conforming practices
  • Enforce specific-by-law, road traffic and safety regulations
  • Record the statements of witnesses and offenders and/or complete details of traffic fines/contraventions prior to issuing the fines
  • Update the occurrence book inserting details of accidents and activities attended to
  • Complete procedural documentation (vehicle log sheets, statements, inspection checklist) inserting appropriate details
  • Compile monthly submission reports to the assigned Traffic Officer.

Enquiries: Mr GM Malotane, tel. (018) 388-1049/1370/1288

The Department of Community Safety and Transport Management is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer which seeks to capacitate unemployed youth with knowledge and skills in the Traffic Warden Skills Programme. It is our intention to promote representivity (race and gender) in the placement of unemployed youth on said programme. An indication in this regard will facilitate the processing of applications.

How to Apply for Traffic Warden Learnerships 2015 in South Africa

Applications must be accompanied by a signed and dated Z83 (download here), a recent updated comprehensive CV with at least the names of 3 referees with current contact details, originally certified copies of all qualifications, ID document, and other required documents. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in the application not being considered.

Completed applications, quoting the relevant reference number and the centre, should be forwarded to the Head of Department, Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, Private Bag X19, Mmabatho 2735, or hand delivered in Office No 130/131, 1st Floor, New Head Office Complex, Old Parliament Building, Modiri Molema Road, for attention: Mr Moshito Malotane.

Closing Date: 14 November 2014 at 16:30

All qualifications will be verified. Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish this Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Candidates requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the person reflected as enquiries below the post applied for.

Applications should be forwarded in time to the Department, since applications received after the closing date and time indicated below will, as a rule, not be accepted. Faxed and e-mailed applications are not accepted. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department.

Previous employment records will be verified and all appointments will be subjected to positive qualification verification as well as security clearance and vetting.

The Department reserves the right not to make appointments, and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only.

The Department of Community Safety and Transport Management has announced the Latest Vacancies / Learnerships Via: Platinum Weekly Newspaper. If you are looking for the Latest Jobs and Traffic Warden Careers with Good Salary Package in South Africa, then you should have some experience first in the same field. The Government of South Africa is offering the Training Programme, and you should not waste your time here and there. You should apply online for the recently announced / New Government Learnership Vacancies by submitting your application at the first convenient.

13 thoughts on “Traffic Warden Learnership Jobs at Dept of Community Safety & Transport Management

  1. i would like to be a learner at your i dont have money to finish my studys..i wil make a good team and make some good things in our country…thnx

  2. I will like to become one of u internship members. I have study Safety in Security at boland college for 3 years from 2012 until 2014. I will make myself available for the mandate and duties that are given to as me I’m a hard worker and very punctual.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

  3. Do you have to have driver’s licence? because some do not have and do want to go in this industry..
    Just asking and hope to get a reply via email also!!

  4. i dnt have all the requirements needed for this learnership and i have been dreaming of becoming a traffic officer. i have no criminal record. please help me.

  5. i am a guy and realy looking for this oppotunity,as i grew up loving to be a cop and i am 33 this years

  6. Hi!! My name is mpho funani.I am 31 years old I love working as a traffic officer. As u can see I am getting older.please consider me in future. I am very dedicated in everything I do thanks.

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