Military Skills Development System at SA Air Force

South African Air Force Vacancies Jobs Careers Military Skills Development Systems

The South African Air Force (SA Air force) is offering the Latest Military Skills Development System 2015-2016 in South Africa, where a lot of candidates will be engaged for military training programme 2015. SA Air Force Careers and Jobs usually remain available in different areas of South Africa. You may also get Jobs at SA Air Force after completing your Military Skills Development Programme 2015. So you should not miss these Government Training Opportunities.

Military Skills Development System 2015-2016 will jump start your career and you will get more better Jobs and Career Opportunities after successfully completing your training Job. The SA Air Force Training is rare in South Africa, so if you are willing to join South African Ari Force, you should have some training first. The SA Air Force is offering the New Military Skills Development System 2015 for engineers and firefighters and pilots etc. So if you are interested in joining the Air Force Training Programme 2015, you should have a look on the details and descriptions of the job before forwarding your job application form at the recruitment department of the concerned company.

SA Air Force Offers Military Skills Development System 2015 in South Africa

The South African Air Force is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. The candidature of persons, whose appointment will promote representivity, will receive preference.

It is one of the Services in the SANDF which offers young South Africans opportunities to be trained in the Military, through a two years Military Skills Development System.

The system is aimed at affording young people military skills, which could assist in their quest for employment in the job market.

Successful candidates will undergo full time training for two-years, during which, they will receive military and further functional training.

During the selections, the applicants will be subject to Psychometric Test; Medical Evaluation; Vetting on criminal record and Verification of qualifications.


All applicants must comply with the following:

  • South African Citizen (No dual citizenship).
  • Grade 12 or Equivalent with subjects specific to a career selection;
  • Unmarried;
  • Not Area Bound;
  • No Criminal Record;
  • Physically Fit and Medically Fit

Areas Of Recruitment

ENGINEERING: 18 – 24 Years (Maths and Science Level – 6 (APS – 35 – University Entry) on offer are: Industrial Engineering ♠ Electronic Engineering ♠ Mechanical Engineering ♠ Civil Engineering ♠ Aeronautical Engineering
PILOT TRAINING: 18 – 24 Years (Maths and Physical Science Level 4; University entry).

Minimum Height – 1600mm, Maximum Height – 1900mm
Minimum Weight – 53kg; Maximum – 104kg
No Hearing Impairment (No hearing aid)
Have 6 / 6-eye vision (No spectacles / contact lenses)

NAVIGATOR: Requirements same as for Pilot.
COMMAND AND CONTROL: 18 – 22 Years (Mathematics Level 4 and Geography Essential)
TECHNICAL TRAINING: 18 – 22 Years (Maths and Science Level-3) or Technical N6 Diploma up to 25 years old)
FIRE FIGHTING: 18 – 22 Years (Maths and Science Level-3) or Technical N6 Diploma up to 25 years old)
MATERIAL SUPPORT CLERK (TECHNICAL): 18–22 Years (Maths and Science Level-3) or Technical N6 Diploma up to 25 years old)

Closing Date: 28 February 2015

How to Apply for SA Air Force Military Skills Development Programme 2015-2016

After going through the above mentioned details and descriptions of the job, if you meet the minimum eligibility criteria, you should Click here to download the South African Military Skills Development Application Form for 2015 / 16.

Attach CV with certified copies of qualifications and ID to this coupon and send to The Recruitment Office, SA Air Force Headquarters, Private Bag X199, Pretoria 0001

N.B. Should you not receive a response by 31 October 2015, kindly consider your application as unsuccessful.


South African Air Force Vacancies and Careers mostly remain available for the hard working candidates. If you are willing to become a part of SA Air Force, you should join the Traineeship 2015-2016 to boost your experience level. After completing your training programme at SA Air Force, you will be able to easily join the company through employment offers. So don’t waste your time here and there, and apply for the Military Skills Development Programme at SA Air Force.

22 thoughts on “Military Skills Development System at SA Air Force

  1. I will like to join sa air force bt m still on msds contract is anding nw at December with all due respect I would like to join im Pte ds mothopi frm military veterinary institute porchefstroom

  2. I,m hard worker,meducally and physically fit and if i,m granted an oppotunity i will do what it take to protect my country with my life and fight for it

  3. i really would love to join the air force training because i also wanna protect my people in dis country

  4. I think u guys should look for Atleast 25 to 35 its a age of most south African who are doin nothing at de moment 18-22 their starting at university and their shorter

    1. Dats a very good point mf2,,, they must increase the age,, at least 25-30,, coz many South Africans with this age ere doing nothing,, we are trying hard to get life, as the result to Charity.

  5. Dats a very good point mf2,, thry mst increase the age at least to 25-30,,coz many South Africans people who are in that stage are sitting doing nothing.,, we strive, hard to get a life and results to Charity,, they must increase the age to opportunities

  6. I would love to join the force but I did maths, business studies,engineering but I have a diploma entry.I passed my matric last year.


  8. I would really like to join any kind of force. Im 21 years old lots of knolage with weapons please contact me 0611098340

  9. I would like to join the AirForce but need someone to phone me and explain how?.Am currently doing Matric and I was born 28th March 1996.

  10. I’m realy interested on joning the SA milllitary but the problem is i just found about it late ,my age i don’t allow me as i’m 25yrs

  11. a patriot obsessed with discipline and order. Am 17 yrs and currently doing matric. I would like to pursue aviation and also join the force. I figured joining the airforce would be the best thing that could happen since I crave the need for discipline. I would like to join but am not sure about a couple of things like how to apply or where to go, if someone can help I would deeply appriciate it. thnx.

  12. a patriot obsessed with discipline and order. Am 17 yrs and currently doing matric. I would like to pursue aviation and also join the force. I figured joining the airforce would be the best thing that could happen since I crave the need for discipline. I would like to join but am not sure about a couple of things like how to apply or where to go, if someone can help I would deeply appriciate it. or even send an application form.


  14. Good day, Im a 23 year old and want to apply for this learnership. m
    I’m interested in the aviation sector of thid learnership.
    I completed my matric in 2012 but I’m currently doing N courses N-level 2 in Mehanical Engineering since my mayths and science marks are low on my matric certificate.
    Just want to find out if it is possible for me to apply.

  15. Plz I am 35 years o age my field is admin,clerk I will be very happy to work for the Military SA to do their Axel,power point and data capturing and ms word make them coffee take messages for them plz if u do need clerk call me 0730151154

  16. I’m interested to join the learnership in pilot l have level 5 in mathematics and level 6 in physics and level 5 in geography so pls send me the application forms for pilot I’m 17yrs old meet all the requirements. Currently doing first year in electrical engineering but my passion is in pilot thanks with regard Solomon makama

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