Sasol Bursaries For Students

Sasol Bursary Scheme Scholarships Grants in SA

The Sasol is offering the Latest Bursaries 2016 in South Africa. The Sasol Jobs and Vacancies have also been announced previously, and now Sasol Bursary Programme 2016 is available for hard working and talented students, who are unable to manage their educational expenditures. So if you are looking for the study loan or other student financing schemes, then you should go for the Sasol Bursary Application Process at the first convenient.

The Sasol Bursary Requirements are appended below for your convenience. Sasol Bursaries for 2016 will easily manage your educational expenses, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. Hence the Sasol Bursary Scheme 2016 should be availed by the hard working and deserving candidates. You should have a look on the Sasol Bursary Programme 2016 before forwarding your online bursary application form at the concerned department of the company.

Sasol Bursaries 2016 Available in South Africa: New Bursary Programme

Applications for the Sasol Bursary Scheme are now open for the 2016 intake. Hard working and innovative thinkers enrolled in Grade 12 this year are invited to apply. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2015.

Sasol has established a reputation in the market as an employer of choice. Our bursary scheme boasts an all-inclusive package recognised in South Africa for being highly competitive. The scheme aims to attract exceptional young talent to the organisation. If you have what it takes to become part of this exciting team, the Sasol Bursary Scheme is ready to change your life!

The company awards bursaries to learners studying towards a B.Eng degree in either chemical, mechanical, civil, electric, electronic, industrial, mining and computer engineering, as well as chemistry, geology metallurgy and accounting.

The number of bursaries awarded each year is dependent on the business need.

What does a Sasol bursary include?

The scheme is comprehensive and boasts an all-inclusive package which includes registration and tuition fees, accommodation, pocket money, and allowance for books and meals.

Sasol bursars are also rewarded for academic excellence during their studies and vacation work (with a paid salary). Upon completion of their studies, the bursars have an opportunity to be employed at Sasol through the company’s graduate development programme.

How to Apply for Sasol Bursary Programme 2015 For Undergraduate and Post Gradautes

If you comply with the eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the New Sasol Bursary 2016.

Under Graduate and Post Graduate applications should be submitted to Sasol by no later than 31 March 2015, for the 2016 academic year.

Check out the video below for an overview of the 2015 Sasol Bursaries. Should you require more information, please call 086 010 6235

Sasol is one of the biggest companies working in South Africa. If you are looking for the New Bursaries for 2016 in South Africa, you should apply for the Sasol Bursaries for 2016 without wasting your time. The 2016 Bursary will manage your educational expenses and make you study more easy.

16 thoughts on “Sasol Bursaries For Students

  1. I am seeking a job or learner-ship /internship or in-service training for my son or even a bursary to further his education

  2. I am in needy of a bursary ,so that i can further my studies at uj ,coz this year i was admitted but coz of nsfas i failed to register i want to study b com accounting i have level 5 in maths nd contact numbers 0825169950

  3. hi
    i am MOLAMODI KABELO JILIUS , i am currently studing under BUILDING SCIENCE and im looking forward for a company wich will help me to do my practicals for 2016 as my second year and help me with the financial issues like bursary becouse i am from a poor family.

    kind regards
    molamodi kabelo julius

  4. My name is msawenkosi i have n4,n5,n6 in electrical engineering (light current) I’m looking for a company which will help me to do my practicals my number is 0789558992

  5. Hi….am ndivho and am recently in grade 12….

    can u pls email me an application form for 2016.

  6. hi im mothudi matjila.Im currently in grade 11.i was asking if i could get a bursary for 2017 in which i would like to study mechanical engineering….please send me an application form on my email account…

  7. hi, my name is walter and i am studing bsc in physical and mineral sciences at ul . i would like to know if i qualify to get a major subjects are physics and chemistry

  8. hello My name is Clinton Bongani Motsepa I just completed my MATRIC in 2015 and I am looking for FUNDS to further my studies at a tertiary institution looking forward to do Bcom Accounting (CA stream )

  9. I’m looking for a bursary I passed my grade 12 in 2015 and I got 3 distinctions in maths , physical sciences and life orientation. I’m really suffering financially. I would appreciate your offer . l applied at the university of the free state to study actuarial sciences.

    you can contact me at 0632334120

  10. my name is judy mampuru i have n2,n3 in electrical engineering light current im looking for a company which will help me to do my practical or to get experience in engineering studie contact me at 0720850524

  11. Hey…my name is Sinenhlanhla Samantha Ndaba..I need bursary to continue with my studies I finished Matric Last year..Next I Will be at the University of Johannesburg I will be doing Mineral surveying and I really need this bursary please help me

  12. Hi my name is Thandokuhle Mgube ,I need this bursary for next year because i’m doing my matric this year .I’ld like to go to university of johannesburg and do microbiology

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