Thuthuka Bursary Fund: Bursary Scheme

thuthuka bursary scheme bursary funds application process

The Thuthuka is offering the Latest Bursary Fund 2017 in South Africa. The Thuthuka Bursary Scheme 2017 is available for Chartered Accountants. The Bursary Applications are invited from the hard working and talented chartered accountants in South Africa.

The Thuthuka Bursaries 2017 can manage your educational expenses during your college study. Various other Bursaries for Chartered accountants are available in South Africa, but you should prefer the Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2017 available for for Chartered Accountants. The interested candidates can go through the complete Thuthuka Bursary Programme 2017 details before forwarding their bursary application form at the relevant department of the company.

Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2017: Latest 2017 Bursaries for Chartered Accountants

Thuthuka Bursary Fund Trust applications for 2017 for aspiring Chartered Accountants have now opened. They will close on 30 April 2016.

The Fund is aimed at creating a greater capacity at undergraduate level to overcome many of the historical impediments to SAICA’s goal of transforming the accounting profession by actively supporting accounting students throughout their tertiary academic journey.

The purpose designed Thuthuka Bursary Fund programme at the main residential universities covers tuition fees, life skills training, additional academic support programmes, mentorship programmes, textbooks, residential fees and a living allowance

Requirements for application of the Thuthuka bursary

  • The learner must be African or Coloured
  • The learner must be a South African Citizen
  • The learner must obtain atleast 60% on Mathematics (5 or above on the NSC Scale of Achievement) NOT MATHS LITERACY
  • The learner must be in Grd12 intending on studying B comm. Accounting
  • The learner must be financially needy and will be assessed using the NSFAS MEANS TEST to confirm financial need
  • The learner must not be out of Matric/school for more than 2 years.
  • To be considered for the Thuthuka Bursary Fund, you are required to register and write the National Benchmark Test (NBT).

The learner must have or be in the process of applying to one of the following tertiary institutions:

  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Cape Town (Bachelor of Commerce code CB011 )
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Rhodes University
  • Stellenbosch University
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of the Free State
  • University of Witwatersrand (WITS)
  • North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)

Once the learner has met all the above requirements only then will the bursary be provisionally awarded to the learner pending the final Grade 12 results and availability of funding.

How to Apply for Thuthuka Bursary Programme 2017: Bursary Scheme for Chartered Accountants in South Africa

Bursaries for Chartered Accountants are rare in South Africa, so you should not waste your time here and there. If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements as mentioned above, you should Click here to download the Thuthuka Bursary Application Form, which must be forwarded to the address below upon completion.

Postal address:
Thuthuka Bursary Fund
P.O. Box 59875

Closing Date: 30 April 2016

Keep in mind the closing date for the Thuthuka Bursary Application submission, and forward your bursary application form at the earliest convenient. The Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2017 will manage your educational expenses, and you will become able to study with more ease.

7 thoughts on “Thuthuka Bursary Fund: Bursary Scheme

  1. I’d love to apply for an busary to study Bcom(Accounting) at the university of johanesburg

  2. i would love to study Bcom accounting at the university of pretoria but iam afraid iam not a grade 12 learner.passed my matric in 2011

  3. Dear Thuthuka trust fund
    May I know what happens if you didn’t make it on 3rd? are you funded for re-take or you pay on your own and come for honours.

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