Shoprite Bursary 2017: Bursaries in Various Fields

Shoprite Bursaries for 2015 in South Africa

The Shoprite is offering the Latest Bursaries 2016 / 2017 in various fields of study. The Shoprite Bursary 2016 – 2017 is available for students in Retail Business, Hospitality Management, Supply Chain, Accounting and Information Technology. If you are looking for the Latest Shoprite Bursary Programme 2016, then you have come to the right place. Shoprite is offering the New Bursary Scheme 2016 for the hard working, talented and deserving students.

The Shoprite Bursaries 2016 will jump start your career, and you will be able to study with more ease. If you are studying in one of the above mentioned field and looking for student financing, then you should submit your bursary application form at Shoprite, South Africa to avail these latest opportunities. The interested candidates should go through the complete details, eligibility criteria and other necessary requirements as mentioned below, before forwarding their bursary application form.

Shoprite Bursary 2016 / 2017 in Various Fields of Study: Bursaries in South Africa

Kick-start you career with a Shoprite Bursary programme.

If you are looking for a lifetime career where you can grow and learn about a diverse range of inspirational brands, if you would like to be part of a unique company that offers brilliant opportunities and has a passion for its staff and customers… then come and EXPLORE the opportunities at the Shoprite Group and discover how you can BE MORE!

Candidates may qualify for a bursary of up to R70 000 per annum which allows for registration fees, tuition, textbook and accommodation fees depending on the course of study and institution.  Each bursary granted is linked to a work back agreement with Shoprite and in this way a bursary holder is assured of career prospects with South Africa’s largest private sector employer.

Bursaries are awarded for the scarce skills programmes:

Bursary: Accounting (CA Stream) – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding talented Chartered Accounting students to become part of our Finance team after completion of their studies. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours Students.

Information Technology – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding future Innovative Programmers who have a passion and a vision for ensuring dynamic outputs in an area known for ongoing change. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours Students.

Logistics / Supply Chain – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding future Logistics and Supply Chain specialists to join the leading fast-moving consumer goods retailer in Africa on distribution and related activities. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours Students.

Bursary: BPharm – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding talented Pharmacy students who have a passion for Health Care in the Retail Industry. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and 4th year students.

Bursary: Marketing – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding future Marketing specialists to join Shoprite’s Marketing department upon graduation. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours Students.

Retail Business / Hospitality Management – The Bursary aims at attracting and funding future Trainee Retail Managers who want to follow the lucrative management career in Retail. The Bursary is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and B-Tech Students.

How to Apply for Shoprite Bursary Programme 2016 / 2017 for Students in Different Fields of Study

Shoprite Bursaries for 2016 are available for those candidates who are really deserving the bursary funds to manage their study expenses. If you meet the minimum requirements as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for the New Bursaries at Shoprite, South Africa. The Shoprite Bursary for 2016 will pay for your educational expenses, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. Hence if you are looking for the Bursary 2016 in South Africa, you should submit your bursary application form at the first convenient.

22 thoughts on “Shoprite Bursary 2017: Bursaries in Various Fields

  1. i am looking forward to your involvement in helping me financially to follow the path as i am already accepted in the nwu campus(north west university) to study financial accounting.

  2. Dear Sir/Madam

    I am currently enrolled at Unisa to study towards B compt degree (financial accounting).
    I am sure I would be an asset to your financial team in the long term.
    your financial assistance would be highly appeciated towards my career advancement
    thank you in advance for your co-operation

  3. I am currently enrolled at Tshwane University of Technology to study N DIP Logistics, Am looking Financial assistance to improve my skill and to take care stoke of company

  4. I am currently doing B-TECH Information Technology at Tshwane University of Technology (Specializing in Programming), and I am looking for a bursary in order to pay my fees and complete my Degree

  5. Hi i am currently studying National Diploma in Transportation Management (supply chain Management) if you have any bursaries available please email me

  6. I am BONGANI JONAS looking forward for bursary to ingenging me for a fender study I did Business Management in F.E.T college but I not yet done I do have nated 5 Indeed I think I do meet the requirement that you real need

  7. Dear Sir/Madam

    I’m a final year student at the University of Stellenbosch studying Bcom financial accounting. Seeking financial aid for tuition fees, more so for textbooks. Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thanking you in anticipation.

  8. Dear adnim lm a student at Unisa doing Bcom in accounting I would to be given an opportunity by provide me with the bursary I hope you will consider my request as successful than k you

  9. Hey.
    I am having difficulties in applying for the Shoprite bursary, may i please be assisted if possible.
    Thank you.

  10. I the first year student at FET College( Tshwane North College) studying a diploma in Hospitality Management. I have passed my matric i have met the requirements for admission to bachelor`s degree or Diploma. Due financial constrains i ended up registering at FET College. I would like to be funded to further my studies.
    Please send me the application for Shoprite Bursary for 2016.

    Kind Regards
    EM Sebothoma

  11. Hi I am Thandiwe Mazibuko, studying hospitality management at Vaal University of Technology. I am looking for a sponsorship to pay for my fees this year I’m doing my second year and i have really good marks on the first semester i do not know how am i gonna pay for my fees this year. I need a financial assistance. Please help!!

  12. Hi

    I am a first year student at the University of Witwatersrand, I am currently studying towards a Bcom in Information Systems. I am hardworking and innovative, I believe that I can be a great asset to any company that offers to help me through my study years financially. I am in great need of a bursary or some sort of financial assistance. Please help

  13. hi im fulufhelo mkhwebani.i passed my matric in studying transport&logistics@kempton.i will happy&willing to be the part of shoprite&to fund my studies of 2016/2017.i can work too during school holidays at shoprite in dayshift or assist my om with taxi and train fares to fulfil my dream

  14. Hy, I’m Shikololo INNOCENT I wrote my matric in 2012 I’m now studying diploma in information technology at RICHFIELD and GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. This is my final year. Working at shoprite was my dream since in grade 9. I will be happy if I could get learnership from the number one supermarket in South Africa.

  15. Hello I’m Nontobeko Cele, studying in supply chain management at Mancosa college. I’m a hard worker and I believe in myself, I can be useful asset in company. I’m looking forward to be funded by this huge supermarket for my studies this year.

  16. I am currently working at shoprite under workforce and very much interested on the supply chain and logistics field ad my best interest ,would be very much glad if this mail could be replied as soon as possible thank you

    1. I’m Tumelo Sinah Malatji.I need a bursary. I’m willing to work hard to obtain everything you need from me.

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