Masakh’ iSizwe Bursary Programme 2017: DTPW

western cape bursaries at dept of transport and public works

The Department of Transport and Public Works is offering the Latest Masakh’ iSizwe Bursary Programme 2017 in South Africa. The Latest Bursaries for 2017 have been announced by Dept of Transport and Public Works in South Africa for those candidates who are willing to get financial help during their study time.

There are various bursaries available in South Africa with different organizations, banks and institutions. Now the DTPW is also offering the Latest Bursaries for 2017, which can make your study more reliable and easy. Dept of Transport and Public Works has allocated the funds for Masakh’ iSizwe Bursary Scheme, and you can submit your bursary application form at the earliest convenient to become successful candidates. Before submitting your application for bursary, you should have a look on the details of bursary schemes available at Masakh’ iSizwe, South Africa.

Dept of Transport & Public Works Offers Masakh’ iSizwe Bursaries 2017

At the beginning of 2006, the Department of Transport and Public Works of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape established the Masakh’iSizwe Bursary Programme with the vision to make available to the province, the country and the continent of Africa cohorts of professionals in engineering and built environment fields critical to the growth of the economy. These professionals will be characterised by excellence in learning, citizenship and service.

The Masakhi’iSizwe Bursary Programme offers 2017 bursaries for study towards a degree or higher diploma in the following disciplines:

  • Architecture.
  • Construction Management.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Electrical Engineering.
  • Mechanical Engineering.
  • Quantity Surveying.
  • Town and Regional Planning.

During term time the bursaries cover tuition fees, all prescribed books and materials, accommodation and meals (or transport costs). Bursaries are renewed each year for the duration of the degree, subject to academic performance and fulfilment of the bursary conditions.

The bursaries are offered on a work-back basis. In other words, you will have to work for the public service for every year of the bursary. During your studies you will also need to:

  • Attend workshops, learning events and meetings organised by the Programme.
  • Undertake academic vacation placements at sites determined by the Programme.
  • Participate in service learning and/or volunteer programmes organised by the Programme.

Where can the bursaries be taken up

  • University of Cape Town.
  • University of Stellenbosch.
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

To apply for one of these bursaries you must be:

  • A South African citizen.
  • Be accepted at the relevant tertiary institution.

Preference will be given to financially disadvantaged female learners from rural areas of South Africa.

Closing Date: 15 September 2016

How to Apply for Western Cape Government Bursaries for 2017 available in South Africa

Post: Masakh’iSizwe Centre of Excellence, Department of Transport and Public Works, Private Bag X 9185, Cape Town, 8000 or Fax: 021 483 2615.

Hence if you comply with the eligibility criteria and other necessary requirements provided by The Western Cape Government / Department of Transport & Public Works, you can apply for the Masakh’ iSizwe Bursaries 2017. There are various bursary programmes 2017 in various fields of studies, which can help you in managing your educational expenses, and you should avail these available Government Bursaries for 2017 to do study with ease.

5 thoughts on “Masakh’ iSizwe Bursary Programme 2017: DTPW

  1. Am a grade12 who is interested in transportation career..I don’t have enough money to further my career next year in 2017,I need a bursary and I want to know where can I get a form of the bursary
    ..please help

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