Youth Driver Development Programme: Road Accident Fund

road accident fund training jobs youth development programme careers vacancies

The Road Accident Fund is offering the Latest Driving Careers in South Africa, where you can learn through the Driving Courses. The Youth Driver Development Programme 2016 / 2017 will be helpful for you if you are looking to learn driving. Road Accident Fund Aid is available for those candidates who are willing to join Youth Development Programme 2016-2017 in order to get experience in Professional Driving. When it comes to the Youth Employment, the Youth Development Programme 2017 plays vital role in engaging the youth in positive activities. Driver Apprenticeships 2016/2017 will be helpful for you, if you are willing to make your career as professional driver.

Driving Careers or Driving Jobs mostly remain available in South Africa, so you may also avail the Driver Vacancies after completing the Driving Training Programme 2017 sponsored through Road Accident Fund South Africa. The Road Accident Fund Vacancies mostly remain available, and you may also avail the RAF Careers after getting the experience certificate from the company. The RAF Jobs should also be availed after the successful completion of Driver Development Jobs 2016/2017. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of Road Accident Fund Jobs for learners, before forwarding their job application / employment documents to the concerned department.

Youth Driver Development Programme 2016/2017: Road Accident Fund Careers

The Road Accident Fund is contributing to road safety and youth employment through a program to build a cadre of young professional drivers for the freight and public transport industry in South Africa. Collaborating with the National Youth Development Agency, South African Youth Council and other youth formations, the RAF invites Youth of all races and gender to apply for acceptance in the Youth Driver Development Programme.The training will be conducted only in specific areas within the provinces of Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KZN and Northern Cape and as such it is important that candidates are based there.

Brought to you by the Road Accident Funds Road Safety Division in association with NYDA, Kasi Road Safety & SASSA.

The applicants must meet the following criteria

  • Must be between the ages of 18 and 34
  • Must have passed matric
  • Must have no criminal record
  • Must be medically and physically fit to drive heavy motor vehicle
  • Must be willing to build a career as a professional driver

The following must accompany the application

  • Certified ID copy and matric certificate
  • Proof of residence
  • Strictly one page motivation stating your future goals and how obtaining a code 10/14 drivers license and Professional Drivers Permit will assist you in building a career as a professional driver
  • Strictly one page CV

Closing Date:?12 August 2016

How to Apply for Driver Youth Development Programme: Youth Training Jobs in Driving Fields

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should forward your application to? at the first convenient. The RAF Youth Development Programme 2016/2017 have come up with latest Vacancies for Drivers, so you should not miss these driving opportunities, where you can learn the professional driving skills.

20 thoughts on “Youth Driver Development Programme: Road Accident Fund

  1. guess I’m to late to apply better luck next time.but really would have loved to be part of this learnership.may eyes and ears will be open for next time good luck to all who have applied

  2. I really love the idea and as a passionate young vibrant person i would like to take part on this learnership and become one of the best and resposible driver in South Africa

  3. It is so pleasing to see companies taking part in youth develop programmes. I also would really love to take part in this leanerships as it will give me an opportunity to make something of myself

  4. By my name is doctor PHALANE I have code 14 with prep and grade 12 I am interested in this leadership my contacts is 072 6655 273/063 4629 691thnks

  5. doctor PHALANE I have code 14 with prdp and grade 12 I am interested in this learnership my contacts are 072 6655 273/063 4629 691 thank you

  6. I am Zamukwanda Eugene Ntshiza, I am interested to this leanership, I have matric certificate and code 14 lisence and I am willing to take such an opportunity my contuct 072 4314965

  7. My name is Noluvuyo zimba I also have an interest in applying for this driving learnership I have matric no licence yet I’m based in Capetown kraaifontein I would be glad if I may be granted this opportunity in order to change my life and also to have something to do for living my no is 0835787029

  8. Im keen on being a team player on this learnership programme im 28 years of age got a learners license and have a sister who also would like to be part of this learnership she is 32 years of age tsakane and has no license please contact use should the be any opportunities available email and telephone 0609297129.

    Thank you in advance

  9. Im also keen in being part of this learnership programme as i believe it will improve my driving skills and groom me to be a better driver im 31 years of age have a code 10 licence , i also have a sister who is also interested in this programme she a has matric but doesnt have a licence she’s 23 ,we are both unemployed and would grab this oppotunity with both hands given the chance , my number is 0710742627 and her number is 063 028 1029.

  10. I am Kwezi Cecil Magida from the Eastern Cape Province Im also keen in being part of this learnership programme and am 28 years unemployed and would grab this opportunity passed matric 2008 and also to have something for living code 10 for heavy vehicle my number is 0788581652

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