Electrical Fitting Learnerships at Harmony Gold: Jobs

harmony gold vacancies careers jobs learnerships

The Harmony Gold is offering the Electrical Learnerships 2017 as well as Fitting Learnership Programme 2017 at Harmony One Gold Plant in Free State, South Africa. The Artisan Learnerships 2017 have been announced by many companies, and now the Harmony Gold Jobs are also available for Artisans in South Africa. If you are looking for Harmony Gold Learnerships 2017, you have come to the right place, as the company has announced the Artisan Learnership Programme in Free State.

Harmony Gold Careers usually remain available / vacant in South Africa, and you may also avail the Harmony Gold Vacancies after completing the Electrical Learnership Programme 2017. The Fitting Learnerships 2017 may also make you able to find more better Fitter Jobs in near future. The Electrical Engineering Jobs or Careers may also be available for you after getting the experience certificate from the company. The interested candidates should have a look on the details of Electrical and Fitting Learnerships available at Harmony Gold South Africa.

Fitting and Electrical Learnerships 2017: Harmony Gold Jobs for 2017 in South Africa

Harmony Gold Mining Company is looking to fill Electrical and Fitting Artisan learnership opportunities at Harmony One Gold Plant, located in the Free State Province.

Harmony Gold was incorporated 62 years ago and is one of the largest gold mining companies in the world and the third largest gold producer in South Africa. Harmony is a multi-listed company and its primary listing is on the JSE. Harmony operates mines in South Africa and Papua New Guinea.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Follow a Learnership programme which contains both off-the-job and on-the-job training
  • Drive your own training programme and actively get involved in your development
  • Undertake the relevant trade test and pass successfully
  • Travel on own expense to the training provider, shafts and plants in the region to obtain training as required in your programme
  • Be an ambassador for the company and always adhere to a strict code of conduct


  • Full N2 qualification or Technical Grade 12 Certificate with the relevant trade theory and engineering drawing relevant to the specific Learnership/Trade
  • Previous service persons experience will be an added advantage for the Electrical and Fitting Trades
  • Medically fit
  • Undergo required psychometric assessments
  • Passion to “make it happen”

Closing Date: 11 November 2016

How to Apply for Artisan Learnerships at Harmony Gold South Africa: Electrical & Fitter Learnerships 2017

If you comply with the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click Here to apply online for the Learnership Opportunities available at Harmony Gold i.e. one of the famous companies working in SA.

5 thoughts on “Electrical Fitting Learnerships at Harmony Gold: Jobs

  1. hi,I have n6 electrical engineering heavy current, matric & drivers licence c1, my objection is to establish time, when we can meet to discuss how my talent, professionalism and my enthusiasm will add to your operation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Regards Thabo mandolwane Ralepelle

  2. Hi,i am løoking for application forms of learnership that take place at target 1 harmony where will i get them i am rely interested

  3. Hi

    Is there any Internship (Electrical Engineering) this year (2017) for Harmony? Have a son who have B-Tech in Electrical Engineering – Heavy current.



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