Advtech SA Student Teacher Bursary Programme 2018

advtech bursaries in South Africa Teacher Student Bursary Programme

ADvTECH Group is offering the Student Teacher Bursary Programme 2018 in South Africa. The Student Teacher Bursaries 2018 will manage your educational finance during your studies. If you are unable to pay your school fees, then you should get the full advantage from the AdvTech Bursary Programme 2018.

Student Teachers Bursaries for 2018 are available for both Teachers and Students, where they can optimize their skills in teaching field. Hence if you are interested in AdvTech Bursary Scheme 2018 then you should submit your bursary application form at the earliest possible time at the bursary dept of AdvTech, South Africa.

AdvTech Bursary Application form is available online, and you can submit online bursary application to get the advantage from the Advtech Bursaries for Teachers. The interested South Africans should have a look on the details and descriptions of the bursary programme 2018 before submitting their application.

AdvTech Student Teacher Bursary Programme 2018 at Advtech South Africa

The ADvTECH Schools Division is committed to investing in the finest teaching talent to ensure that we continue to provide an excellent education in an environment where teachers and students strive for the best results.With this goal in mind we invite interested 3rd and 4th year existing students to apply for bursaries to cover full-time or part-time studies in the following fields of specialisation:

  • African Languages First Additional Language
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Foundation Phase
  • Mathematics
  • Science as part of the formalised Student Bursary Programme, subject to specific criteria being met.

The programme offers the following to students

  • Up to a maximum of 100% payment of study fees, linked to academic performance;
  • The option to study full-time or part-time through a recognised institution;
  • Where feasible, the completion of at least one essential practical work component at a school within the ADvTECH Schools Division;
  • The opportunity to earn supplementary income by participating in school activities e.g. as a sports coach, music coach or teacher€™s assistant.Bursary Students who successfully complete the Bursary Programme will also be eligible for placement in one of the Schools within the ADvTECH Schools Division should a position be available upon graduation.

As part of the formalised Student Bursary Programme, subject to specific criteria being met, we offer students

  • Up to a maximum of 100% payment of study fees, linked to academic performance
  • The option to study full-time or part-time through a tertiary institution of our choosing

Bursary Students who successfully complete the Bursary Program will also be eligible for placement within one of the Schools within the ADvTECH Schools Division.

Closing Date: 30 June 2017

How to Apply for AdvTech South Africa Bursaries 2018 for Students and Teachers

The AdvTech Group Bursaries for Teachers and Students will be helpful for you in managing your educational expenses. Hence you should Apply Online for the recently announced Latest Bursaries for 2018 before the closing date of bursary opportunity. Advtech is offering the Students and Teachers Bursary Opportunities, and you should avail these opportunities at the first convenient without wasting your time here and there.

15 thoughts on “Advtech SA Student Teacher Bursary Programme 2018

  1. Dear! i do not know if i can qualify for your Bursary. I completed my Matric(Grade 12). I am currently at home due financial crisis as there is nobody who is working at home.

    My Cell No.0737848132


  2. i dont know if i qualify for the bursary, I have “N3- (matric) “and educare N5 ‘ currently studying N6. my N3 subjects are : business English, office practice, bublic administration, information processing and computer practice

  3. Good day i would like to know if i am applicable for your bursaries and if i can qualify. I am not financialy stable and dont have parents to provide. Please contact me on 073 146 4430

  4. Hi wanted to know if i can apply now becoause am going to start with teaching only next year i am currently doing another course at unisa at the moment i am still waiting for application for 2018.

  5. Hi, i just want to know when are you going to tell us that our application is successful or not i applied for this bursary and am temporary registered at UNISA and i don not have money to pay for my registration

  6. I just applied for my first year diploma in grade R but I don’t have enough money to pay my studies please help 0729174601

  7. Hi I jut want to know which requirements a re needed if apply ing for you ur name is nombuso.

    1. Yay! Yippie! I ca&n8#217;t wait for the necklace!I remember this event well. That was one determined little fishy, but I don’t think any one of us doubted who was going to end up with that rod.

  8. Good day what I would like to know is that when is your application date again or you only do 7th once I really interested on became the part of you

  9. I would like to study with a bursary and the places I’ve registered haven’t responded to me. I’m really worried I don’t want to spend another year at home please help.

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