Artisan Learnerships 2018: Glencore Learnership in SA

Glencore Artisan Careers and Learnerships

The Glencore South Africa Coal Division is offering the Latest Artisan Learnerships 2018. The Glencore Learnership Programme 2018 is available for Rigger, Fitter, Instrumentation, Boilermaker, Electrician and Diesel Mechanic. The Artisan Jobs mostly remain available / vacant in various fields or categories, and you can now avail the Glencore Jobs or Glencore Careers as these jobs are available for learners.

Glencore Learnerships 2018 will boost your experience level as well as expertise in short span of time, so you should get full advantage of the Glencore Vacancies in South Africa. The Artisan Learnership Programme 2018 will jump start your career in short span of time. The interested candidates should have a look on the details and descriptions of the Artisan Careers as appended below before forwarding their job application form to the concerned or recruitment department.

Glencore Artisan Learnerships 2018 in South Africa: Learnership Jobs at Glencore

Ref: TSS01 / 02 / 09 / 2017

Enter into an engineering learnershio programme with MQA SETA and undergo institutional training at one of the selected training centres.

The candidates must embark on a learnership programme leading to an Artisan qualification and must have a Grade 12 and N2 technical qualification (with four subjects  – one being the relevant trade theory)

Alternatively, candidates with techcnical matric with relevant trade theory or matric with mathematics and physical science may also be considered.

Be medically fit and undergo aptitude tests or psychometric assessments.


  • Boilermaking
  • Fitting
  • Rigging
  • Electrical
  • Instrumentation
  • Diesel Mechanic

Closing Date: 21 September 2017

How to Apply for Glencore Engineering Learnerships 2018: Artisan Learnership Jobs in South Africa

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria and other essential requirements as mentioned above, you should Send a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, quoting the relevant reference number, to e-mail: and/or fax: 06 495 4579 to avail the Latest Vacancies at Glencore, SA. Glencore is one of the famous worldwide companies, so you should not miss the opportunities. You can now make your career at Glencore in Artisan field.

21 thoughts on “Artisan Learnerships 2018: Glencore Learnership in SA

  1. Am dimakatso am looking for leanership I’ve done electrical engineering n2,n3..and n4 with code 10 drive’s licence tnank u

  2. I’m a lady of 22 years old
    have done fitting studies have N2 n N3 ..matric as well.I’m looking for a job but mostly I want apprenticeship. I’m driven to work hard and I believe success is something worked for…

  3. I am Miss Yanick Shivani Otto, a 22 year old single female who completed N3,N4 and N5 in Electrical Engineering. I am in possession of a code 8 drivers licence and a Grade 12 with Mathematics and Physical Science. Can you please notify me of any available Electrical Apprenticeship/Learnership programmes that are offered by your company or possibly accommodate me in a post where I can interact with persons who apply their trades as Electricians or Electrical Engineers. I would like to work for your company.

  4. I am Elizabeth phukubje and I am interested in electrician ref no MVR 012 I a female residing in witank my contact number is 0797949459 / 073663 3591

  5. hi my name is xolani i am looking for an engineering learnership to your company,i have a grade 12 with maths and science both with level 6 and other can cantact me by

  6. Am Mothapo Alina , am looking for apprenticeship/learnership or internship. I have completed N1-N6 in diesel mechanics and also have code 10 driver ‘s licence.

  7. looking a learnership for electrical engineering and I have an N2 & N3 to gsin more experience snd I have computer literacy and occupational health and safety level 2

  8. Am Tankiso Gladys ,am looking for learnership/internship or apprenticeship in your company .I have completed N2-N6.Thank you

  9. I Sithembiso Promise Mhlongo from KZN studies N3 ENGEERING as a Boilermaker I have this following subjects ENGEERING SCIENCE,MATHEMATICS,MECHANOTECHNOLOGY AND PLATING AND STRUCTURAL STEEL DRAWING I am keen to practise it I am a hard worker willing to learn in any field of Engineering


  11. My name is Themba 30 yrs of ege i have code 14 licence looking for driving learnership my licence got 2yrs now.any one can help me my no. Is 0710434821

  12. My name is orifha. I am a 21 years old made and a have matric with maths and science and also N2 Fitting and turning and Im looking for a learnership and apretiseship.. i will be gland if i get help.

  13. 07/02/18
    I’m Maseko Nomcebo precious,I’m Looking for any Available Learnership o job base on Electrical Engineering.I’ve got N2 in Electrical Engineering plus Matric.I am a hard working Woman who can work under any situation.

  14. Im NE Masango interested in Road Accident fund learnership for 2018. Post matric graduate.

  15. l’m Vincent sakhi mdlolo i have completed grade12 and i went to midlands community college to upgrade maths and science i like to do leanership of artisan my phone number is 0798205124

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