Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For 2018: Girls Application Forms

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls is offering the Latest opportunities in 2018. The Admission Application Forms are available for those candidates who are willing to get better job experience in the relevant field. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Jobs and Careers also remain available at various times in South Africa. So if you are interested in the Jobs and Employment Offers, this training will enable you to get these Jobs.

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls 2018 is announcing the training programme 2018, where you will be able to optimize your skills and experience level while working under the team of veterans. Hence if you are interested, you should have a look on the details and descriptions of the training programme before forwarding your application form for 2018 session.

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls 2018 in South Africa

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa is a residential boarding school with 300 students enrolled in Grades 8 -12. It provides students with an opportunity to develop their full intellectual, social and leadership potential.  The Academy teaches the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) in Grades 8 – 10. The Grade 12 students write the Independent Examination Board (I.E.B.) NSC Examination.

To be eligible, girls must be South African, demonstrate academic and leadership potential, and come from a disadvantaged background.

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa admits students of any race, colour, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programmes and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programmes, athletic, cultural, residential and other school- administered programmes.

Application Criteria

Students must meet the following:

  • Academic talent with leadership potential
  • South African Citizen or permanent residency
  • Total family household income of less than R10,000 per month
  • Currently in Grade 7

Selected applicants will be invited to write entrance tests, which will be held at a number of different venues throughout South Africa. Further selection and more extensive testing of academic and leadership potential will follow this first round. Final selection camps lasting 2 or 3 days will be held at the Academy later in the year.

Closing Date: 16 February 2018

How To Apply for Oprah Winfrey School for Girls Bursary 2018 in South Africa:

To apply, Click Here to download the application form:

To apply, complete the application form, enclose a copy of your December 2017 school report, copy of household income and a copy of your birth certificate and post them to:

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls
PO Box 1485,
Henley on Klip,

Or Email to: student.recruitment@owlag.co.za

The Leadership Academy will boost your experience level and provide you more better opportunities in near future. So don’t miss the chance and forward your application form for 2018 session before the closing date of programme.

80 thoughts on “Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For 2018: Girls Application Forms”

    • My name is Kwando i am a girl who would like to go to this school because my dad and mom don’t have money to buy food.

        • Good day my nephew is in grade 7 I would like her to study at Oprah school the thing is she will be doing grade 8 next year and I only saw this now and the applications are already closed so is it possible for her to apply for 2019 when she will be in grade 9? Your response will be highly appreciated thank you.

        • Hi my daughter is in grade 8 I am struggling as I am the only one working very difficult t get her to school because I cant afford transport money

      • We are having a learner at our school who has a potential and would like your good self to send us application forms for 2018. Her name is Nontutuzelo Lebeko

    • My daughter she’s in grade 7 this year!the good thing about her is she’s a head girl and leadership skills please help as im a single parent

  1. I am Karabo maseko i live in Zola north i am a very Successful girl i am very clever i concetrate in class i can read And write English and isizulu you call me at this number 0749184201

  2. Hi I tried applying last year for my niece, but it never got through. She’s a good hardworking student and dedicated .she’s in grade 8 this year and I’m he gurdain ever since and I m 23 years .

  3. Hi ,my child is very interasted in this school,she is in grade 8 now,2016 is going to grade 9.en am single parent.but ill fill up appLicatio en ill hear from you.

    Thank you

  4. hellow..m innocentia..m a very talented,smart and hardworking Girl…i Tried to apply last Yeah for Grade 10 but it never got through..u can find me on this digits:0762336816

  5. Good Day,

    i hope this finds you well,

    i would like to know if you guys offer a late applications process and if a girl is in grade 8 can she apply for grade 9.

    072 571 8508

  6. Hey am innocentia am a very concentrative girl and talented hardworking in all my studies and I applied these year BT it ddnt go through so am asking that can I apply again so u can find me in the following numbers:0780507320

  7. I am currently in grade 7 and would like to enroll with this school hence I believe that it is the best school that would help me rich my goal of becoming a doctor as I am a hard worker and believe that I meet the above mentioned requirements. Could u kindly email me an application form once they are available.

  8. Hi i am Koketso from Limpopo. I am a very hardworking science student doing grade 10. I would like to attent at your school because im raised by my mom and she does not work. So i was hoping to attend there and make my mom the happiest mother ever. I really want to focus on my studies. I look foward to hearing from you.. Call me on this number 0827973204

  9. Hi my name is Dieketseng. I am a girl and i would like to be one of the girls attending your school. I have both parent who do not work and are not able to provide for the family. So i was wondering if you could allow me to attend your school. If ever you are interested and is willing to help please contact me on: 0810278133 and 0781790504 or either email me on: dieketsenglucia@gmail.com

    Thank you for ur time.

  10. I want to apply for my child she’s doing grade 9 this year she’s very interested in doing math and English an as a parent i want what’s best for her may u plz send the application forms if they are available

  11. Friday 20 February 2016
    Hello I am khumo mokoena and I’m in grade 8 I’m 13 years old and I’m applying in your school because it’s the best and I wold really love to be one of the lucky girls who are going to be accepted.I am very focused in my studys and I am very talented.if you are interested and willing to accepte me.
    thanks for your time

  12. My name is Kamva I would relly love to come in this school I would really make Oprah proud.I’m very good in leadership activities and I’m in grade 9. Can u please send me an application form via email.

  13. I’m a single parent who has a 12 year old girl who is very hard working and she’s currently doing grade 6. I want her to be one of your learner’s when she’s going to grade 8. Please forward me the forms. Thanking you in advance.

  14. I’m a single parent who has a 12 year old girl who is very hard working and she’s currently doing grade 6. I want her to be one of your learner’s when she’s going to grade 8.you can contact me on 0785353034 Please forward me the forms. Thanking you in advance.

  15. Hi my name is Gcobisa my daughter Kwakhanya is currently doing Grade 6 this year but would love to study @ OWLAG in 2018. i am a single parent her father passed on in 2013.

    Thank you for giving our children a brighter future.

  16. Hi my name is mampho and I’m currently living with my father, who has been taking care of me since my mother left us. I’m attending at landulwazi comprehensive high school, my father says the school is corrupt, so he does not want it to corrupt my intelligencey and he is a single parent who is earning R4000 a month at the firms, we don’t know if they will fire him because if they fire him we will suffer a lot. I’m now in grade 8 I was wondering if I can apply for grade 9. Please call at 0618894494.

  17. Good Morning,my name is Dieketseng and I am doing grade 9 in Landulwazi Comprehensive high school.I was the best learner of the school last year in 2015 and this year I applied for doing my grade 10 which I will do in 2017 at Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls but I have not got my reply……is it because I did not qualify or should I be patient?

    I am concerned very much because I have wanted to go to this school since I saw it on television and it would be my dream come true.

    Thank You

  18. Hello,my name is Lungisa Zuma and i am currently doing grade 9 this year.I would love to enrol as a grade 10 student at your school.I live with my mother and disabled grandmother,uncle and aunt and my mother is the head bread winner and her monthly income is never even enough to take care of all our needs.she earns below r5000 a month.I believe i have leadership skills and I have big dreams and i know if i could get a chance at your school i can make it to the top,my aunts number is 0717917494

  19. hi my name is princess my daughter Gloria is currently doing grade 7 this year but would love to study owlag 2017 ,I am a single parent her father passed on 2008 thank u
    my number is 083 928 1586

    • hi my name is princess my daughter is Gloria is currently doing grade 7 this year but would love to study owlag 2017,I’m a single parent her father passed on in 2008 my number is 083 928 1586 thank you

  20. Hi my name is precious my daughter is currently doing grade 9 this year but would love to stud at OWLA..can I apply for her to do her grade 10 in 2017?
    My number is 0618856717 thank you

  21. Am a grade 9 student in a very poor school and my parents want me to go to this school and I would be very happy to go to this school.

    Can u pls send me your application forms
    Thank you
    Yours fauthfully

  22. Hi my name is Tshepiso Ramohlokoane. This year I am doing grade 7.My mom can not afford my school fees.I will love to enrol as a grade 8 at ur school,I am attending at Morojaneng Primary School.I want to make my proud of me n a happiest mom ever.I believe that it is the best school that will help me teach my goal of becoming a nurse n even a doctor as I am a hardworker and believe that I meet the above mentioned requirement. Could you kindly email me a application forms once they are available.My numbers are 0721122633 or emaile on TshepisoRamohlokoane1@gmail.com or my mothers number 0839776499

  23. Hi my name is Victoria my daughter is doing grade 3 I am disable and all I want is good education for her can she qualify to learn on your institution her marks are good at school his father is getting pension I will appreciate your concern

  24. Hi my name is Geraldine Pailman my daughter is in Grade 6 going to grade 7 in 2017 would like to apply for her in 2018 for grade 8 please may you advise how do i go about it,this year as she has been working so hard as from grade 4 to attend your school.

  25. Greetings

    I am Ratholo fortunate,I am here by to ask whether a grade 10 girl who is about to do grade 11 in 2017 can be able to apply for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls?

    Don’t hesitate to email me on ratholofortune@gmail.com.


  26. Sanele Pearl Wana

    My name is Sanele Pearl Wana ,I am currently doing grade 9 I wish to be at Oprahs school my parent(mom) doesn’t work i will gladly wish to be at Oprah school i am talented ,always focused in or out class may you please accept me


  27. Sanele Pearl Wana

    My name is Sanele Pearl Wana ,I am currently doing grade 9 I wish to be at Oprahs school my parent(mom) doesn’t work i will gladly wish to be at Oprah school i am talented ,always focused in or out class may you please accept me


  28. Hi my name is Nomonde Euginia Sambo my daughter is in grade 6 this year and I will like to apply for her to grade8 for 2018 I’m not working but I wish the best for my daughter each and every day may you please accept my daughter and Thank you very much

  29. My name is Caroline Hlongwane unemployed mom will you please find it in your heart to let my daughter come to your school for grade 9 2017 cell ; 0725776076

  30. Hello,Oprah. I have a daughter who is 13 years and doing grade 8 this year. She is multi talented, has Passion and knows what she does. I want her to come to your school next year ,as a mother what can I do so that she can come there.

    • Hi
      I would like my daughter Boitumelo Mokgadi Nkabinde 13yrs of age currently in grade8 to be part of your Academy from 2018. She began her schooling in Groblersdal academy where she won a gold medal in Dikwankwetla arts competition and played hockey.I got retrenched on a retail company and was forced to take her out from the school because of affordability..kindly assist with the application form for 2018

  31. My name is Nthatisi. I come from a very abusive, unemployed family and that has affected me mentally. Im a very hard working learner and want to further my studies because I want to change the situation at home and also want to increase knowledge of
    key biological concepts, processes, systems and theories. my teachers has commended me for my willingness to participate and my dedication to school work. I am a very hard working learner and believe that my academic results and my dedication to school work ensure that I can meet the expectations of this school. I would very much appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities to that school. hoping that my request will receive your favourable consideration

  32. My name is Golo Mazanzani I live in one of the smallest places in SA,im 33 years old and unemployed.My beautiful daughter’s name is Keketso and she’s is an amazingly bright Girl, shè has always been top 10 from grade 1 she’s attending one of the best public schools here.my worry is shes now in grade 8 and the school she’s going to is too expensive for me anď I want her țo have the best education and be something spectacular. Please consider her for your school.

  33. My daughter just started grade 8. She has excellent grade 7 results and she would like to study overseas some day. She would love an opportunity like this going to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls. Please send me an application form.

    • I am a father and unemployed my daughter is doing grade 7 this year and would like my child to be enrolled for grade 8 next at your school please advise.

  34. Hi

    I applied but I only made it to the semi finals . I would really love another opportunity. I’m going to grade 10 next year. Please send me the form

  35. Hi .I’m Beryl Thobile Mthembu .I applied but only doing grade 8and willing to study at Oprah Winfrey School.I am 12yeaes old and studying at Ponelopele Oracle School. Please send to me the form.

  36. We received the application forms on the closing deadline date from the school my daughter is currently at. Please help me, what should I do?

  37. Hi

    My daughter is interest in OWLA she is in grade7 so I have been trying to download forms without luck can you please send me forms so that she can be on the list for 2018. My child’s name is Kelebohile Hlapane

  38. Hy my name is Naledi i’m in grade 7 I want to study in OWLA with all my heart pls send me application forms I want to do my grade 8 there on 0644158409

  39. my name is Claudia Nhonguane, my Daugther is in grade 10, i would like to apply her for this opportunity, could you send me a chance to show how does she is hard working and leadership potential.

  40. Hi,my name is Margaret and I’m a widow. I’m unemployed and is also looking after my late daughters kids. The first is doing grade 6,the second in grade 4 and the last is 2 and half years old.

    I wish to know if my granddaughter the first one can be accepted at your school cos I need to do the best for them but somehow I cannot do all.


  41. I just need a form from my daughter who is in grade 7 this year going to grade 8 next year.she is good in all the subjects including sports.

  42. Hey Mamello Mkhonto here…I heard about your school this year and I would like to come,but the problem is that I am currently in grade 10 and according to your admission criteria you only allow grade 8 learners. Please respond as soon as possible to my email. Thank you.

  43. Hi I’m Ntomboxolo Ntengo I applied for my niece who is doing grade 8 for the intake of 2018..when will you respond to her application form (Afika Macatshaza)

    • Hi I know that the application form are closed but I beg you to please let me write a test of owlag you will see that I have a potential and I’m academy clever you will be so happy and I come from a disadvantage family please help me . I’m 12 and I’m in grade 7

  44. please I need this school I am so clever and I am a fast learn please let me write owlag I am coming from a very poor family my mother get peace job and she is sick my brother help her my brother left school so he can help my mother I don’t have a father I don’t have he he died and my father family don’t want me so please I am learning at Blessed Luanda primary school

  45. I’m Melokuhle Mdlalose whom is willing to be a part of this amazing school I’m currently 15 years old turning 16 in December doing grade 10 I’m doing commerce so I was wondering if I can please get a space my mother isn’t working cause she doesn’t have ID and my father doesn’t like me

  46. Morning
    My name is Asemahle and i am doing grade 7 this year. I would love to go to Ophrey’s school with my 2 best friends. We three are smart and would love to save our parents money so that they can spoil themself because they never get the chance because they are so busy warring about their children’s future . My mom is a single parent and works very hard and sometimes she does not sleep because she is working for her children. I would love for my mom to use the money she was gonna pay school fees with , save for my unniversity fees because it is expensive and may take a lonlong time to save. Ophrey, i would love for you to give my friends and i a scholarship for high school.

  47. sir/mam greetings my name is lusanda sithabile gibixego . i am in grade 8 in pietermarizburg i don’t have a story to share but i would love to attend oprah winfrey high school because i belive i could become an insperetion to other girls and i know i would be one cause when i set my mind to doing something i make sure that i do it even if it means trying again and again with out backing down i am trying to be as formal as possible but i can’t help to just say i can’t use this machine, m using to communicate with you i have been trying to write capital letters but i don’t know which button to press so please excuse me .i have been trying to search for the school number but it doesn’t apper on the screen; i am 13 years old this year and i think i have came to a stage of maturity just to realize that my granny and mom can’t afford to keep me in this private school but they have been too carring to a point were my mom has to go though things at work just to put me in best schools but that’s affecting her personal in terms of health and she doesn’t say anything i was hoping you could concider giving me a scholarship to study at your school next year to do my grade 9 as i have to leave this school am attending now because of 1.lack of resources*2.high expense not to be rude i ask of you to kindly read this and reaply back to me on this number; 0764112050 thank you. i will wait ..with positive thoughts but please don’t turn me down . yours obiediently ;lusanda .s.gibixeg

  48. My daughter is going grade 10 in 2018 she is keen to finish up in Oprah School. She is a dedicated hardworking little girl. She has been looking forward to enter the school since grade 7. She is from a small township and therefore vwants to give back to the other girls big and small someday.

  49. Sir / Mam I like would like to apply for my daughter she is doing grade 6 this year I am Applying for 2019 she is the one who told me about the school she like the school.my no 0792546213/0833473043

  50. I,Tili Mshotwana a single parent who is working hard for my children would like my daughter Bathandwa to attend your school. At the moment she is doing Grade 8 at Advance Christian Academy ,East London. I have heard about this but I was late for 2018. I want an application form for Grade 9 2019.

    • Bathandwa Mshotwana is looking for a place in Grade 9 for the year 2019. At the moment she is doing grade 7 at Advance Christian academy,East london,Eastern Cape Province.Contact numbers are as follows 0745430353/0644663910.

  51. Hello to whom ever might be reading this my name is Palesa Natoleng Maselo i come from a small town called vryburg situated in North West South Africa. I am currently in Grade 7.I would not be bothering you really if it wasn’t necessary but i really need your help. I have a single parent, because my dad passed on when i was only 8 . If you could say, i would say i am a straight A student. I work really hard because i would like to become a great scientist one day. Or if not making a difference in the world then atleast in South Africa . If there are no vacancies for 2018 .i could wait for 2019 .


  52. I hope this message finds you,My little sister is currently doing grade 8 this year and I desperately want to help her get in to this Oprah School,she is an A student and puts her heart in everything she does,please let me know how to apply.

  53. Brigite
    Hi, i am a mother from drcongo and live in south africa like refugie i need to asssist me to put my dauther in grade 8 2019 in oprah school for girl

  54. Hi my name is Eliza Mabasa my daughter is dying to come and attend at your school. She is in grade 7 now, when we ask where does she want to attend her high school, she only wants to attend at the Oprah Winfery leadership academy for girls and does not have a second option. I wish her the best. She believes her dream could become true by attending Oprah Winfrey leadership academy for girls. We are trying our best at this moment to apply but we can’t get an application form.

    Eliza Mabasa
    072 541 2340
    065 915 2103

  55. Hi my name is Pontso tumetsane I live in Rammolutsi Viljoenskroon in free state I have a daughter who doing grade 1 this year and she has a good quality in her school work and she passed with level 7 only in her in March at school in Dr Sello Primary school. I like my daughter when she’s in grade 7 should be part of Oprah Winfrey school.


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