Nursing Training Bursary: Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund

Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital Careers Jobs Vacancies Bursaries Funds

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund for 2017 / 2018 has been announced, and Nursing Training Bursary 2017-18 has been opened. If you are looking for the Nurse Training Courses, then you have come to the right place, as the Nurse Training Bursaries 2017-2018 are available at Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital in Parktwon, South Africa. The Nelson Mandela Nursing Training Programme 2017 will boost your experience level in short span of time, and you will get more better Nursing Vacancies or Nursing Jobs in near future.

Nursing Careers usually remain available / vacant in South Africa, and you may also avail the Nursing Jobs after availing the Nursing Training Bursaries 2017 / 2018. The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Vacancies are usually searched by a lot of students, so now the Bursary Programme 2016-2017 has been started, and you should get the full advantage of the Bursary Scheme. The Bursary Application Form should be submitted by the interested candidates at the first convenient to avail the Available Bursaries. The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Bursary Programme 2017/2018 will manage your educational expenses, and you will be able to study with more ease and reliability. The interested candidates should have a look on the details as appended below, before forwarding their bursary fund application form to the concerned department.

Nursing Bursaries for 2017 at Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital in South Africa

In 1995, Nelson Mandela founded the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund to help pay for the treatment of children in South Africa. Over a decade later (in 2009), the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust (NMCHT) is founded, with the aim of building a top-notch care facility for children. In 2014, the construction of the hospital began and 2016 marks the year of the opening of the hospital. The Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, based in Parktown, will once completed become one of the biggest children’s hospitals in the Southern hemisphere.The NMCH, with funding from the National Skills Fund (NSF), have implemented the bursary programme as a way to train specialist pediatric nurses.

About the bursary

The NMCH bursary programme is intended for undergraduate short courses and postgraduate nurse training diplomas, at a recognised South African University. Postgraduate nursing students who intend on specialising in paediatric nursing are welcome to apply.

Undergraduate students will only be covered from their 2nd year of study onwards (applicants must have completed their 1st year). Students will also be required to work at the Johannesburg branch of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, for the equal duration of the bursary awarded.

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Bursaries 2017/2018 will be awarded to students within the following fields:

  • Child Nursing
  • Intensive Care Nursing
  • Neonatal Nursing
  • Nephrology Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Operating Theatre Nursing


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • South African citizen,
  • Have a Matric certificate (National Senior Certificate),
  • Have a Degree/ Diploma in Nursing Science (recognised tertiary institution),
  • Registered with the SANC (South African Nursing Council),
  • Have a minimum of 1 years working experience in the field you wish to specialise in
  • Completed Community Service year.

How to Apply for Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Vacancies / Bursary Programme 2017 / 2018

If you meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned above, you should Click here to apply online for Nurse Bursary Programme 2017 / 2018 available at Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. The Nurse Training Jobs 2017 are also available at various hospitals, and you may also avail these vacancies after having good experience in the field of Nursing.

23 thoughts on “Nursing Training Bursary: Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund

  1. Hi I’m Mbali, I’m 26years old.I I have vocational primary health care NQF L4 .I’m interested to work or complete my studies.Any opportunity 0748528217

  2. Dear sir/Madam
    My name is Sibulelo Mahashana from Eastern Cape, I am currently doing grade twelve and I am doing well.

    I am Asking for help I want to continue to my studies to study nursing. l have financial problems because both my parents was passed away in few years ago, now I am in a disadvantage family therefore it could be a blessing for me to join the program and getting bursary.
    Thank You.

  3. I my name is anesha I’m in matric my mom’s currently not working I always had a goal to become a nurse but there aren’t funds I want to make the best out of my life

    1. Hellow my name is mentor, I have grade 12 and also completed Ancillary health care . so I need a bursery to complete my study in nursing .please your help will be a pleasure.

    2. Hellow my name is mentor, I have grade 12 and also completed Ancillary health care . so I need a bursery to complete my study in nursing I have a financial problem .please your help will be a pleasure.

  4. hi Sir or Madam . my name is Tholakele Shamase from KZN currently living in Johannesburg because of schooling and my mom is working there….I will so love to be a nurse since I was born and I once lived with a very sick person and I was taking care of her before I go to school I was preparing everything for her and after school am the one who looks after until my mom arrived at home then I can check my school work.So with Gods will she passed away. I am a student at Mpilo royal college doing community health Care I really don’t know that will I finish my course because am having some financial problem and am coming from a disadvantage family rised by a single parent which is my mother ….. One day I wish I could health a person who’s sick to be look fresh and healthy ….it could be a blessing for me to join the program and getting the bursary ….thank you.

  5. Hai sir I’m Teneza Rigala from Cape town ,I’m a staff nurse,I’m newly qualified,I wish I can study feather but I’ve got no money help me please so that I can fulfill my dream

  6. Please help us with the busariy I complete grade 12 on 2009 my biological mother there is no work I got a lesion only .Now I want to go school my mother support the child I recover only R1000 a month

  7. hi my name is priscilla nonhlanhla sithole .id like to be part of yr students bt i dont have the national senior certificate bt a subjects senior certificate. cn i apply to yr college. .i cn bridge my subjects pls.

  8. Hi im Lindiwe Ngwenya from Volksrust Mpumalanga i finished my Matric in 2007 i want to study nursing it was my dream since i was in primary school i tried applying for a nursing bursary in various nursing school they never replyed back to me since i finished my matric im staying with my brother no parents i would be very happy if i can get a bursary from u thank you

  9. goodday im Raymond I don’t have matric but working as a hiv counsellor in the dream is to doing nursing as I love to work with there maybe something that I can do to become a staff nurse.i will love to do the one year/or the two years course and work as an staffnurse.

  10. Hi my name is mirriam I am a staff nurse and would like to do bridging my phone is0719341440 if there is a bursary to help me available rhanks

  11. Hi my name is Simamkele 27 years old i don’t have any nursing course but i would love to be given a chance to learn i have complitted my matric in 2010 i love children

  12. Greeting to u sir/mam,my name is modiegi Ilona mogale ï have a diploma in palliative care and will love to go futher with my nursing carreer,please help me find a bursary nursing Thanx u.

  13. Hi my name is Mannini Mokoaqa.I didn’t passed matric and also completed health care at ABA college in bloemfontein.I love to be nurse but I ‘ve got no money help me please

  14. Good day, I am currently doing my Grade 12 and i know i will past as i am a great achiever, My pasion is to do nursing with babies. i love children and wants to make a difference in there lives. My father works and my mother is at home we just have enough to live from. I beg of you the grant me the oppertunity to further my dream and make a diffrence in small little lives.
    Thank you and God bless

  15. I know that I was born for this without realise it plz give me a chance to prove it to the world that I will make the best nurse in world..

  16. I have nothing only my matrix certificate..I HV been trying for these since 2009 I tried raising funds BT I couldn’t an now I’m aging an no money to go to nursing schools plz if u can give me a chance u will never regret it Iam born for this

  17. I’m Thandeka ndwandwe i m enrolled nurse with no working experience i would like to get more infomation about D4 nursing training course how to apply I wish to further my nursing studies and get experience I love helping people

  18. Dear Sir/Madam

    My name is Lindokuhle Ellen Madonsela 19 years old, I am currently doing my matric and am doing well at school looking forward with my studies next year.

    I have a passion of being a Nurse can I apply for bursary as am a child from a disadvantage family, I was raised by a single parent (mother) and she is working as a domestic worker.
    could you please provide assistance. I promise that by helping me on with bursary you will notw regret, I am a hard worker, self discipline, punctual and self respect.

    LE Madonsela

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