Polokwane Municipality Bursaries: Bursary Programme

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The Polokwane Municipality is offering the Latest Bursaries for 2015 in South Africa. The Polokwane Municipality Bursary Programme 2015 will make your study more easier than ever. If you are looking for the Scholarships or Bursaries 2015, then you have come to the right place. The Polokwane Municipality Bursaries 2015 will make you carry on your studies with more reliability.

The Latest Government Bursaries at Polokwane Municipality will manage your educational expenses, and you will be studying without any tension. Hence if you are looking for the Latest Bursary Programme 2015, you should go through the following mentioned details about the Polokwane Municipality Bursary Programme 2015 before submitting your bursary application form at the relevant department of the company.

Polokwane Municipality Bursary Opportunities for 2015 in South Africa

Polokwane Municipality is giving an opportunity to learners/ students who wish to further studies at a recognised /accredited public institution of higher learning within South Africa.Learners in Grade 12 or first year students at a university, university of technology or FET College are invited to apply.

The qualifying criteria are as follows:

  • Grade 12 / matric
  • Studying towards a first degree or national diploma,
  • Permanent resident of Polokwane Municipality
  • Coming from a disadvantaged background
  • Not currently benefitting from any bursary scheme.

Preference shall be given to fields of study like engineering, finance, urban and regional planning, transportation and environmental studies as per identified scarce and critical skills within Polokwane municipality, government, institutions and business enterprises, but candidates from other disciplines are welcome to apply.

How to Apply for Polokwane Municipality Bursaries for 2015 in South Africa

Application forms are obtainable at Polokwane Municipality’s Civic Centre Office 903, corner Bodenstein and Landros Mare streets or on the municipal website:

The following should accompany the application forms:

  • Certified copy of latest Grade 12 results
  • Proof of provisional admission from a recognised institution of higher learning
  • Proof of residence in a form of confirmation letter from a local Ward Councillor or authorised Traditional Leaders
  • Proof of income of parents/guardians

Completed forms should be hand delivered on the 9th floor office no 903 or ground floor at the Civic Centre Cnr Landross Mare Street & Bodenstein Street, or they can be posted to P O Box 111 Polokwane 0700.

Closing Date: 12 December 2014

Enquiries should be directed to the municipality’s Training and Skills Development team on 015 290 2211 or 290 2344.

After going through the above mentioned job requirements and minimum eligibility criteria, you can apply online for the Polokwane Municipality Bursaries for 2015. You can visit their official site i.e. (www.polokwane.gov.za) to get more details and information about the bursary programme 2015. Keep in mind the closing date for Bursary Application Submission and forward your bursary application form for Polokwane Municipality Bursary Programme 2015 at the first convenient to avail these available bursaries.

9 thoughts on “Polokwane Municipality Bursaries: Bursary Programme

  1. I have just pass my matric well with bacherlos degree and 2 distinctions and I got an acceptance letter from wits but the thing is I need a busary that will cover my studies.please help me I cannot take a gap year.

  2. I really need bursary to further my studies. I just passed my matric with bachelor degree and i got admission from University of Johannesburg under the faculty of Commerce. I will study Bcom Finance .Please ,i will be happy if i can get help.

  3. I have applied a bursary of polokwane municipality and now obtained bachelors degree and got admission at UL after 24 days of receiving my matric results so am i late to go and ask for assistence in getting fees for my studies?????

  4. I need a busary to further my studies. I have passed matric with a bachelors degree and i registered at tut I am doing N DIP ANIMAL PRODUCTION.I will be happy if i get a buasary ASAP.

  5. I am doing my last semester at Tshwane University of Technology , my studying electrical engineering ( process)
    and I have no funds , will be very delightful to get this fund

  6. i applied PLK municipality last year so now i am studying Bsc in University of Limpopo but i don’t got any respond from PLK Municipality bursary i submitted my matric result but they don’t respond me

  7. i am studying at the university of limpopo am running out of money to further my studies well in this regard i humbly request for the bursary.i am studying bacherlor of administration in local goverment

  8. i recently completed my matric with a bachelor’s degree i then applied to study PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE AT U.J . i’ve been accepted but ñow im short of funding. please help.

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